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Eine Gruppe die sich rund um den Kosmos der Serie "the Walking Dead" dreht.

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Similar preferences as The Walking Dead

Car sex: no longer just for frustrated teens! Of course, it's also useful for those out having an affair. But does the car have its own appeal? According to research, men are more likely to be interested in regular car sex, while women tend to see it as a one-time adventure. An English insurance company actually had the gumption to ask their customers how many of them had done the deed behind the wheel, and they found that at least 68% of Brits had, 76% and 80% of Americans! How's that for love of the good old American automobile?! Looking for more vehicular adventures? Sex in a car park, Exhibitionism, Going out, Adult Cinema
You love your partner. And you love your sex life. But it's a bit routine. You need to spice it up! But you're tired. And busy. And broke. No worries. Your house is filled with saucy ideas that can help you kick things back into gear without paying to much. You have laundry to do don't you? You do. For sure you do. So do your laundry with your loved one, and check out your giant new sex toy! It vibrates to add intensity, it's warm (once it gets going), and it's probably just the right height for bending over. Go slow and enjoy the sensations, or add some stern spanking for a naughty bottom. Try out those new angles- maybe she can lie back? Worst case scenario, ladies might like it alone. Volunteer to do the laundry if he folds it, and enjoy knowing you're doing the fun part! Check out other suggestions for making the normal naughty: Cottaging, Exhibitionism, Sex in the Shower, Quickies

Discussions and topics about The Walking Dead

  • i have been looking around and most of what i see are posts from years ago or how everyone else is in germany? i am specifically talking about non escorts here ...
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  • Dead Link Deadlink and following Errorpage isn´t translated . ...
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