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  • Leidenschaft Fotografie: v...

    Hallo, hier in der Gruppe soll es um Fotografie gehen. Sowohl für Anfänger als auch Profis. Egal ob Natur, Alltag, Erotik oder Akt. Gegenseitiger...
  • Fotografie Allgemein

    Fotografie für alle mit Interesse am Hobby Private Gruppe mit Bewerbung
  • Nacktsein

    Wer ist einfach gerne nackt? Zuhause, draussen,… wer hat Ideen wo man nackt sein kann?
  • Motorradfahren mit Abwechs...

    Hier sind alle Motorradfreunde und Sozia für Ausfahrten und mehr willkommen.
  • Animes und Mangas

    Bitte keine FSK 18 oder Hentai Bilder posten. Danke
  • Mittelalter

    Diese Gruppe dient dem Austausch über alles was mit Mittelalter zu tun hat. Kleidung, Märkte,... Das Thema BDSM hat Ihre eigene Gruppen ;-)
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alles rund ums Campen, Orte, schöne Ecken, mal was neues,
Outdoor sex an ungewöhnlichen Orten, oder einfach mal so.

icon-wio Helix699 created an entry in Camping
  • +2
icon-wio Lustmolch89-4933 created an entry in Camping
Eine Frau oder ein Paar an der Pöhl unterwegs, was noch einen Mitspieler sucht? Meldet euch einfach mal. Lg
icon-wio GranBleu created an entry in Camping
Kennt jemand den Stellplatz in Bad Kreuznach Salinental? Nebenan ist direkt eine Brauerei. Klingt ganz nett. Also jemand schon mal da gewesen?
icon-wio bonAQuaaa created an entry in Camping
liebe Grüße aus Malibu ;-)
LikeEnnn, Lupo-2270, xxlZiggeand 6 more…
icon-wio wixxerHH created an entry in Camping
Fehmarn wer dabei
icon-wio paar5154 created an entry in Camping
Ab dem 1 April dürfen wir auch wieder los . Freuen uns schon
LikeLustiger6, Spessartpaar61, Cristian777and 1 more…
icon-wio Krisscross created an entry in Camping
icon-wio Krisscross created an entry in Camping
icon-wio LeckfreundAB created an entry in Camping
Fahre über Ostern nach Dänemark.
Hat jemand Tipps für gute Womo Stellplätze oder Campingplätze. Bin für jeden Hinweis dankbar
icon-wio wirzwei254 created an entry in Camping
Der Winterschlaf ist bald vorbei
Likemeandmyself1, Leonessa55, cologneman2203and 8 more…
icon-wio Krisscross created an entry in Camping
icon-wio Nrw2025 created an entry in Camping
Hallo ist von euch auch jemand im kreis kleve unterwegs . Bin öfters dort unterwegs. Würde mich über paare und bi freuen .
icon-wio Krisscross created an entry in Camping
icon-wio IvonnL created an entry in Camping
icon-wio Kirschgrün created an entry in Camping
Wir wollen unser geliebtes Outwell Tunnelzelt verkaufen weil es für uns 2 zu gross ist. Das Zelt ist sehr gepflegt und in einem super Zustand
Likedarf-ich, Leonessa55, SaarPiratand 7 more…

Similar preferences as Camping

A cum shot (sometimes called facials) is called this for obvious reasons in the porn industry. This is the scene, usually the end shot, where a man ejaculates on his partner's face. Lots of porno films like to feature men’s orgasms in this way. He pulls out just before cuming and jizzes onto the face of his partner. But not every time, sometimes cum shots include an open mouth, onto a foot, chest, abdomen, ass, or genitalia.
For many people their butt cheeks are the best foreplay ever. Some people find it a massive turn on when their partner glides their cock up and down the small of their back and along the crack between their butt cheeks. It can be also highly stimulating for many women when it caresses her labia and anus. Give the Cheeks a Good Rub Many men find a beautiful ass just as amazing as a gorgeous set of breasts. With cheeks tightly closed together and a hard cock pushing inside, both partners can experience incredible orgasms. What does the woman get out of it? For a lot of men this type of sex is enough but for many women it’s just a bit of nice foreplay and look forward to vaginal sex afterwards. With a bit of lube the cock will slide right in to a pussy or anus, depending on your preference of course. Women usually say that cheek only sex (with no penetration) gets them excited that a man finds their ass that sexy. Butt Cheek Massage In this variation involves one partner massaging the other person’s oiled body with their butt cheeks. A word of caution the person receiving should be able to handle the top person’s weight. Get off your ass already and try it out! Or if you want more: Anal sex, Fingering, Butts
Alphabet soup time! B: bondage- physically or psychologically restricting movements of another. D: domination- having power or control over another. S: sadism- finding pleasure in causing pain to another. M: masochism- getting pleasure from receiving pain from another. Put it all together and what’ve you got? BDSM: a subculture shrouded in misconceptions. Your mind just probably flashed to latex catsuits and dungeons. Or CEOs being dominated by women with whips wearing unbelievably high stilettos. The BDSM world is unique in the fact it’s the leader in consent culture. Meaning it is psychologically speaking, a very healthy community. Everything done between partners is consensual and discussed beforehand whilst sober. You hear people talk a lot about ‘safe words’ and that’s where it comes from. Someone screaming ‘No! Please stop!’ can be a major turn on for some people, so when you hear ‘Reindeer!’ you know it’s time to immediately stop and check in. The intensity in BDSM relationship is based on handing over your trust to another person knowing that trust will not be broken. Everyone is equal in this world. A Bottom is in just as much control as the Top and vice versa. Pain is a natural fantasy most people have and when it’s discussed and consensual, exchanges can be incredible. But if the pain is a one-sided desire perhaps a bit of therapy is in order to discover where this want came from. For people unfamiliar with the BDSM world please don’t read or watch 50 Shades and think it’s a how-to-guide. Perhaps a how-to-NOT. If this world is interesting or exciting to you- get on some forums, check out your local kink clubs or munches and explore this often misunderstood world. Want to learn more about how to take a beating? Submission, Domination, Sadomasochism