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Group sex involves three or more people, but usually isn't centered around an established couple, as a threesome is. Group sex might originate during a night at a swingers' club, or at a sex club. Sometimes people also seek each other out online. There are more and more sites that make this possible, and it often has the advantage of avoiding the complications of jealousy or the risks of unstable couple relationships. Group sex can also be part of outdoor, dogging (British English) or adult movie theater activities. The underlying pleasure comes from emotional detachment, and the thrill of getting to know strangers in such an intensely stimulating setting. Although group sex has been a source of mass fun since ancient times, it has its modern caveats. Safer sex is an absolute must in these contexts, and consent should be in constant negotiation through communication between partners, strangers or not. More on the beauty of group sex here: Free Love, FFM, MMF, Threesome, Polyamory, Swinger Club Search, Swinging Photo Pixelio: Hofschlaeger
Most of us like dirty talk. Whether it’s sweet suggestions whispered in the ear or nasty words spat out while our hair is being pulled, a little verbal theatrics gets most people going. For those that are warming up for some BDSM play, this is often pretty aggressive and might involve insulting or belittling someone, claiming not to be interested in them, or even mocking their sexual attractiveness. For couples who regular engage in aggressive or BDSM sex, this kind of “hard” dirty talk might be a frequent part of their relationship. Certainly, those who are involved with porn, phone sex or cam sex are making the most of the power of words.
Locker rooms are a great setting for pornos, but the logistics of banging in one are pretty complicated in real life. First of all, you should probably be prepared to stand: think about the selection of surfaces at your disposal. Not great. And then, there is the challenge of finding a locker room empty enough, and getting it to stay that way long enough. You might be an exhibitionist who doesn't mind an accidental audience, but most schools or private gyms are going to mind, and laws about public behavior may apply. And finally, of course, there is the problem of rigid gender separation in most facilities. This is only a problem for straight people, of course, and it might, on the other hand, lay the groundwork for some very interesting same-gender experiences. Locker rooms might also be happy places for voyeurs, but make sure everything is fully consensual! More on getting publicly freaky here: Exhibitionism, Outdoor Sex, Quickies