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Die gruppe dient für leute diea auf enge sachen stehen. Werde versuchen Bilder ausm inet zu posten, aber gerne auch die ladys die sich zeigen möchten :D

icon-wio beldnna99 created an entry in Sexting,Seiten,C2C

Similar preferences as Leggings, Stockings , Nylons und lingerie

On "N-Day", 1935, nylon leg coverings debuted into shops. They cost an exorbitant $250 (and during the Great Depression!), but still sold a historic 4,000 pairs the first day. Those that couldn't afford the coveted look took to staining their legs with coffee grounds and drawing that sexy back seam on with brown eyeliner. In 1941, nylon was still outrageously expensive, but it had been recognized by the military as a highly tear-resistant material. After an unprecedented fundraising campaign in which thousands of women sacrificed their beloved stockings. The material collected was very useful in Pearl Harbor. In 1955, technology for the production of stretchy pantyhose was developed, rendering the erotic back seam unnecessary. Since 1965, tights have been a popular choice for the mass markets. They fit well and are also sensuous, but are far more wearable than their sheer nylon sisters. In the world of sex shops and kink gear, however, you will find all of the most artistic versions. Including waterproof versions for those who like watersports. More on the lusciousness of our legs here: Women's Lingerie, Sock Fetish, Footwear