Sexy Body Art & Modification

Sexy Body Art & Modification

The lips might be the most underrated part of your body. Think about it, they are a highly erogenous zone that you wear on your face! Lips have a high concentration of nerve endings, making them highly sensitive and easily stimulated. Although we use them to talk and eat, they are also extremely important in most of our sexual activities as well. Think of how much power and excitement is created in the simple act of kissing. It is the doorway to most erotic encounters, and a great measure of your chemistry with a lover. Not only poets and songwriters have swooned over lips- their color, their texture, their shape. Evolution has also dictated that they be more attractive to us when swollen and flushed after sexual escapades. This is the origin of red lipstick: creating that sensual glow to show us at the peak of our beauty. More sexy body parts to get your juices flowing: Eyes, Legs, Butts, Tits
Ever notice that you are drawn time and time again to a particular part of someone’s body that you find attractive? Well, for some people that part could be the eyes or a strong jaw line, for others it’s the hands. Long and slender or strong and hard, everyone has their own preference. Think about all the delicious things they can do! Why wouldn’t you find them sexy? Not to mention the popular debate: does the length of a man’s hand equal the length of his cock? It’s like the Tootsie Roll Pop commercial- We may never know. Hands caress and hold, they can scratch and spank, then tickle their way back into a cuddly love puddle. Not to mention the fun they bring to foreplay! Warm your partner up by sucking on their fingers until they’re screaming for more. The ideas are endless. Plus everyone loves a good morning hand job. What else can you do with your hands? Blindfolds Fisting Handjob
Most people are aware of foot fetishes: it gets a decent amount of press. And most ladies who have had a killer pair of heels and worn them around a big city have seen that twinkle in a man's eye when he compliments them. Foot fetishes come in different forms. Some people are into the smell, and so bare feet, perhaps after a long day in a shoe of a preferred material, are preferred. Others get off on performing sex acts with toes or feet; like rubbing them on their genitals, insertion, or sucking. Historically many cultures had foot fetishes. The most common example being that of foot-binding in China. But nowadays, streaming video and online shopping can make this special kind of joy available to the average Joe or Joanne much more easily. More body parts that turn us on here: Legs, Breasts, Butts
The girly zines will all tell you: the butt is back. As the world of fashion and pop culture diversifies with international trends, a new extreme has become the unattainable idea: the Kim Kardashian butt. The Nicki Minaj caboose. Incredible, impossible, and idolized. Well, it is true that evolution like a luscious lady. Sir Mixalot was no pioneer in appreciating "much back." Fertility is certainly sexy, and invites the idealizing of certain stereotypes. But the media takes it to the extreme, and suddenly people are injecting who-knows-what into every who-knows-where that is supposed to be plumper. Both men and women can appreciate a round rump, but it is hardly the measure of a person's worth. Yes, the ass is the source of a whole universe of fantasies, but fetishism is a world unto itself, and at the end of the day, they all work the same way. To find sexy things to do with that butt, click here: Anal Sex, Facesitting, Spanking, Ass Play
A strong and powerful back can be a huge turn on for some people. The sight of a well-toned upper body (and those sexy back muscles) can offer a glimpse of some powerful thrusting ahead! When working out, lots of people tend to neglect the back over the abs - which are just as sexy, but holding onto a strong back while you're being pounded (in a variety of positions) can be massively sexy for girls and guys.
If you pay attention to pop culture, you'd think that all the guys without a six-pack never get laid. Unsurprisingly, this turns out to be another one of those body-image-crushing myths. While six-packs might look amazing in photoshoots, they are hardly the whole package (unless we're talking beer). Your body is just there to house your brain and personality, so make sure those are all fit. A six-pack tends to communicate that you focus a lot on the outside. On the other hand, a big ole beer belly gives the impression that you're not taking care of yourself. Is it wrong to judge people by their appearance? Yes. But we all do it. Is it silly to waste energy worrying about what others think of your body? Yes. But it's good to take care of yourself - and it's good to find a balance in life. Have a specific body part that makes you weak in the knees? Legs, Breasts, Butts
The labia are the "lips" that make women's genitals look like flowers…or make Georgia O'Keefe paintings look like women's genitals, depending on how you look at it. Next is the clitoris (yes, it's in there, and yes, you have to find it). The relative sizes of the lips, their shapes, colors and textures vary enormously from woman to woman. There is actually no such thing as a "normal" vagina, although some people will invent 'beauty standards' for absolute anything. You may have heard people joking about "lady boners," but that's actually a real thing! Just like a dick, labias swell and become puffy during sexual arousal; peaking at orgasm. There are many ways to get creative in this area. There are piercings, tattoos, designs shaved into pubic hair and even jewelry to bedazzle your vajayjay. Find more related topics here: Licking, Erotic Art, Facesittng
Circumcision. It’s a scary word for some, the total norm for others. A widespread practice in the USA, most other countries do not cut their cocks unless medically necessary. The old myth about hygiene turns out to be just that: a myth. Turns out a little soap and water is all you need. The bigger picture reveals that only 30% of men around the world are circumcised. Some religions require circumcision but in general men tend to leave their hats on. There is also the great debate about whether or not it decreases sexual pleasure as an adult. Common sense will answer that for you. The head of the penis is sensitive. If it’s kept protected by the foreskin from rubbing on the insides of trousers for years on end, it will maintain it’s sensitivity. But if the hat is removed, back luck fellas, the head will be desensitized. Fear not hatless men, this just means you need to concentrate more on what your partner is doing. The more you focus on the sensations sliding around your cock, the nicer it will feel regardless of your foreskin situation! More about things to do with cocks: Balls, Oral Sex, Cum Swallowing
Most Americans tend to think that circumcision is the norm, and many of us may be well into adulthood before we ever see an uncircumsized dick. But did you know that the US is in the minority in making circumcision a standard practice? While many other countries discourage it? In most of Europe, hospitals will refuse to circumsize babies unless there is a medical need for it. They claim the process is painful and decreases sexual pleasure later in life. Of course, families are free to seek circumcision if their religion calls for it, but the old belief that it is needed for hygiene turns out not to be all that true. Uncircumsized dicks require careful washing, yes, but then so do vaginas, and much of the world has agreed that those need to be left alone. Nature actually knows what it's doing in these matters, and sexual pleasure is our birthright. Worldwide, only about 30% of men are circumcised, and this number is on the decline. Someone sleeping with an uncircumsized man for the first time might find themselves a little confused, but the good news is, there is more room for creativity. Communicate with your partner, but for many men, even lightly moving the foreskin up and down along the dick can be extremely pleasurable. Since the skin underneath the hood, having not spent its whole life rubbing up against their Levi's, is usually extra sensitive and gives them immense pleasure when stimulated properly, and lube. More about hats on and hats off dicks here: Balls, Oral Sex, Cocks
The balls aren't much to look at, but they are a fascinating feature of the male physique. Not only do they produce millions of spermatozoa for the entire lifespan of the bearer, they also produce testosterone, creating the male sex characteristics like facial hair and voice deepening. What you need to know about these organs is that although they may look and feel like the shriveled, dehydrated version of Chinese stress balls, they are very useful for a happy sex life. Think about ways to work them in, you'll be surprised at the payoff in your male partner's pleasure! One good tip is that while the shaft of the dick likes soft, wet and warm, and absolutely does not like texture, sharpness or tugging, the balls are quite the opposite. Sucking balls isn't actually all that exciting. Scratching, pinching, scraping and tugging however, can send a guy through the roof. More fun ideas for the undercarriage here: Watersports, Handjobs, Oral Sex
For a lot of people the entire derrière is an erogenous zone. As you play around and discover your ass (or your parnter's) you’ll find a hole. Through this hole, sensual stimulation can be found for both men and women. Your anus is loaded with nerve endings, making it one of the more sensitive erogenous zones on your body. Stimulation from fingers, tongues, dicks or sex toys can bring hours of sexy play and intense orgasms to the receiver. Stretching your asshole can be painful if done incorrectly. So here are some tips for a happier widening: patience, good lubricant and lots of love from your partner (or partners) will make it a lot easier to penetrate this tight little orifice. Some people are not interested in experimenting with this 'exit only' opening. True, it is an excretory organ and perhaps has a dirty reputation. But with patience and some sexy foreplay, this little hole can take on a new light.
Maybe you like a guy with a five o'clock shadow or even a full on beard. Perhaps you prefer him clean-shaven and baby-faced. Now take your thoughts south. More. Okay, the pubes, buddies, you’ve arrived. On your right we’ll see O’ Natural. This wild and free specimen spends its days care-free and running through the bush. On our left we’ll find Skin Only. This creature is waxed or shaved on a regular basis to keep those pesky hairs from getting in the way of a good time. Of course there a dozens of different species and they all have preferences and mate with whomever they find is best suited to match those likes. In the end, it comes down to talking it over with your partner. If they are an O’Natural type and you’re more on the Skin Only side, you might have to meet in the middle for a compromise. Either way all variations have benefits ranging from increased sensitivity to hygiene. So pluck, wax, shave or leave it be as nature intended, we’re all hairy down there. Make it look and feel how you want it. For more hairy issues: Body Hair, Hair, Pubic Hair
Hair. There is no end to the meanings we assign to it, nor to the high school theater productions that carry its name. Some people love it, others can’t stand the sight of it. Other still, are somewhere in the middle. Women unfortunately carry the brunt of the image demands in this category. Thanks to the porn industry, no one really seems to know what public hair or genitals should actually look like. So we’re going to correct the record! Whatever you fancy! There is no right or wrong amount of pubic hair. If you like it so long you can braid it and put flowers in it, then do it! If you like it totally shaved and waxed, do it! If you simply can’t be bothered, leave it alone. Preferences vary, so the only really important thing with regards to pubic hair is to make sure you and your partner are happy. Some people love the way pubic hair feels when they are happily grinding away on top, others get the same feeling with no pubic hair. Various groups have different meanings for pubic hair: for example in the LBGTQ community or in the BDSM scene. Everyone has a personal preference, and if you don’t play around with it and see what you like! More hairy bits to get your rocks off to: Armpits, Hair, Body Hair, Labia
Body hair keeps us warm, and for some of us is also erotic. Since we no longer need it for its mammalian functions (thanks, cashmere). The tricky thing about it is that for some people it's a turn on, and for others it's repulsive. Some people love to indulge in the scents, moisture and sensations provided by thick hair. Others like to get creative with it and make designs by shaving it or dying it. And some just can't get far enough away from it!
Are you into girls who are smaller than you? Not just shorter. We’re talking thin, ballerina types. Delicate, fragile, tiny bones that would crush under the weight of a copy of two fashion magazines. We’re talking petite and sweet. Or maybe she’s a little naughty sometimes. WTF is that all about? The sense of being bigger, sure. But there’s also a caring side to it, not just a large and in charge dominant attitude. Someone so tiny needs to be cared for, made sure nothing bad will ever happen to her, ever. She is her own strong individual but sometimes the world can be too big and she needs some help. Daddy’s little girl, can be so sweet or so naughty. Find other body types here: BBW, Curvy Women, Butts
One only has to have a quick walk around an art museum to see there are big differences in beauty standards throughout the ages. Historically speaking, the curvier a woman the more sexy she was. Reasons ranged from childbearing to showing off wealth. The famous Belgian painter, Peter Paul Rubens, was particularly important for setting this standard in his time. He wanted to express indulgence, lusciousness, and enjoying life. Of course modern beauty standards have drastically shifted to quite the opposite. Thanks to models like Twiggy. There is resurgence of celebrating the beauty of a curvy woman thanks to the rock-a-billy and burlesque scene. Their nostalgic longing to look like a pin up illustration proving that once again: curvy is sexy. The popularity of the corset shows even thin women lacing up in corset. In an attempt to accentuate what they’ve got in the way of curves. Curvy bodies got you all hot and bothered? Check out these links: Breasts, Butts, Corsets
We always think of the middle aged man in the brand new Porsche as the one looking for a partner who is younger than him. We picture Hugh Hefner or, god forbid, Woody Allen. But actually, nowadays women are breathing new life into the age difference dynamic. More and more, women like Madonna or Demi Moore are taking partners who are ten or more years younger than them. We've even named these hot and resourceful women after the intimidating predator, the cougar. These are women who have been around the block a few times and are now taking charge of their love life with a younger man. Of course, this still isn't as widely accepted as Hefner's antics, but it's definitely a sign of the changing times.
Okay so maybe a mummy is a little too old and others are a bit too young so where’s the happy middle ground? That’s up for you to decide! But a lot of people get all hot and bothered when their sexual partner is significantly older than they are. The important thing is that everyone has consented and are happy. There are of course dozens of examples of celebrity couples: ancient billionaires with PlayBoy bunny wives, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, the list goes on. This desire exists in all sexualities and cultures. So what’s the big deal? Not everyone wants an actual age gap, so many opt for role play options. For most people it’s a control thing. There’s a security in knowing your older partner has been there before and can show you the way. The older partner has more experience with life and love and can guide the younger partner and share with them their sexual wisdom. The Golden Years can be just that if everyone's needs are taken into consideration. Good hunting to all you cougars and silver foxes out there!
Piercings involve inserting metal bars or rings into the skin and through its underlying tissue. While piercings might seem modern and rather rebellious in Western cultures, they have been common in other cultures since time eternal. There are piercings that are meant to look beautiful, those that are meant to look painful or intimidating, and those that communicate something about the identity of the wearer. Since the New Age movement of the 60s, piercings have become more common. Even though nipple, navel and genital piercings have long histories in various cultures, they are still viewed as risqué and seductive by most of Western culture. For men, genital piercings are likely to involve the foreskin, the glans, the frenulum and the scrotum. Women are more likely to consider, along with the nipples, the clitoris, their foreskin, the labia and the pubic mound. For more on piercings, see below: Erotic Art, Genital Piercings, Sex Toys, Tattoos
Genital piercings, or intimate piercings, are meant to increase pleasure and arousal. They can be on the nipples, labia, dick or perineum. Of course, there are risks associated with these kind of piercings. One should go to a licensed piercer, who has experience in this area. You should follow all instructions for maintaining hygiene in the area. Even the simplest piercings can get infected, so good aftercare is very important. You've probably heard of the Prince Albert, a ring through the urethra, and thought it a new trend but actually genital piercings have a long history in southern Indian cultures. Size, shape and location all vary endlessly for genital piercings. Nowadays, people who don't want to commit to a real piercing sometimes buy genital clips for a temporary taste of the same sensations. More bold body modifications are discussed here: Body Art, Tattoos, Sweet Pain
Tattoos used to be dangerous. They used to mean you were a rebel. Old fogies used to recoil in disgust, decrying them as abominations! You used to get banned from certain cemeteries! You may be disappointed to learn that tattoos are no longer that big of a deal. They are also not done with as much thought or commitment by a lot of people these days. Since they can be removed (expensively, through complicated processes that may still leave marks, anyway), more and more people get them on a whim. And the internet has offered the same designs to millions of people at the click of a button. So it's not the rebellious act it once was. That doesn't mean the art has been lost, however. Many tattoo artists are indeed artists in the traditional sense, and take great pride in their work. If you have an original idea - highly recommended - you can use the internet to find an artist in your area who will draw you a beautiful design for a fee. Not only does this give you something that is truly yours and only yours, it also supports independent artists and helps them make a living from their work. It also makes sure you know exactly what's going on your skin before it gets there. Since the tattoo artist you go to can then make a carbon copy and fill in the lines exactly. This is especially important if you have chosen words in a language the tattoo artist does not know how to read. You wouldn't believe how many meanings have been lost because of a missing dot or a wrongly-angled line. One important note to avoid becoming an internet laughingstock: if you don't speak that language, think long and hard about why you need it to be in that language. You won't be able to be sure of what it says, and it may be joining a very unattractive trend of cultural appropriation. You might think that Chinese or Hebrew are exotic, but there are millions (maybe billions) of people in the world who read their bank statements in that language and for them it's just a language, and it should be used appropriately. Other cultures and languages are just as boring and complex and artistic as your own, so make sure you are not just trying to make yourself more interesting without really knowing what you are doing. A great rule of thumb is: when you come up with a tattoo idea, sit on it for two years and then, if it still means that much to you, go ahead and get it. For tattoos in other languages or representions of other cultures, two years is enough time for you to learn a bit of the language or explore that culture more deeply, so you really know what you are symbolizing when you finalize the design. Ink not your thing? More alternative ideas of beauty here: Erotic Art Body Art Piercings