Lifestyles & Relationships

Lifestyles & Relationships

We're all familiar with the idea of nude beaches - some people love them, others recoil in disgust. But did you know that nudism is a lifestyle choice for some people? There are whole manifestos on the internet about how living naked is a solution to a lot of our modern woes. Often, people also partake in lifestyle movements like radical honesty or spiritual meditation. They are seeking to live a freer, more natural, and joyful life without all the oppression that society considers 'normal'. Everybody likes seeing their partner naked, so nudism isn't really a fetish in and of itself, but of course all kinds of fetishes are expressed in nudist settings! You'll also find quite a few porn studios have used nudist beaches or colonies as settings for their erotic storylines. Next time you see a porn set on a nudist beach or colony let your imagine run wild. Did you find this interesting? Then also have a look at: Free Love, Polyamory, Swinging
We've all heard of the TV-show "Wife Swap", but did you know there's an R-rated version? And that you don't need to be married or on TV to do it? You know how exciting it can be to watch two hot people getting it on. You might enjoy watching your partner fulfilling someone else's fantasy, and while satisfying your own at the same time. It could bring you closer to a couple of friends in a whole new way. It could also inspire you to re-recognize each other's hotness in whole new ways. If you're interested in trying a swap with strangers, you can easily find opportunities at sex clubs. If you'd like a more intimate setting, an orgy can be arranged on your own turf. Remember, this should be fun, safe sex for everyone, and it should build the heat and passion in your relationship. For more sexy entanglements read on: Free Love, FFM, MMF, Threeesomes, Polyamory
Swingers might bring to mind the Austin Powers era, but you should know that it's not just an outdated term for cheaters. It's actually a specific lifestyle, with its own communities, clubs and standards for behavior. Swingers are people who like to go out and get down with new folks, whether they are strangers or other swinging friends. They sometimes have threesomes and group orgies at home. Usually, when we say swingers, we think of couples. Swinging is mostly a sexual activity, although friendships may also form. Couples are honest with each other about their activities, and abide by any agreements about limits and safe sex. Distinct from this lifestyle is the much more ubiquitous species: the cheater. The cheater lies, conceals, or fails to be honest about their activities. The cheater agrees to one type of relationship but then treats it like another. If you found this interesting, also have a look at: Free Love, Polyamory, FFM, MMF, Threesomes
A Boy Toy is the younger male partner in a relationship. The opposite would be a Sugar Daddy, an older male partner. Both terms are used in h and gay realms. Celebs love their boy toys Famous celebrities like Madonna, Jennifer Lopez and Sharon Stone all seem to have a thing for younger men. For obvious reasons in the bedroom, Boy Toys can last longer, go harder and more frequently. As Madonna put it: “I like young men. The don’t know what they’re doing. But they can do it all night!” Young men are often more open to experiment and go exploring. They like to discover new skin using their hands, mouth and other “ahem” appendages. They love bedroom gymnastics, especially when they're not confined to the bedroom. Not Forever Boy Toys are perfect for a mature partner looking for an ego boost. You never know if it’s just a game or if it’s sincere. Sometimes little emotional commitment makes things easier and more straightforward. But be aware, not all are looking for long term relationships. As long as expectations are communicated up front, men and women can have an amazing time with Toy Boys not to mention lots of incredible sex.
In Paris in the 1970s, men performing in female costumes became popular for their bawdy and audacious performances. Thus birthing the era of the infamous drag queen. Of course, homophobia came rushing in to stigmatize them, but actually these men were not necessarily gay or genderqueer. There were just good-humored performers. Today, crossdressing and drag are totally different things. Drag is used for performance and public figures, while crossdressing is normally a casual or private practice in a person's life. Both men and women engage in these activities and both groups involve any number of sexual orientations. As the fabulous RuPaul says "We're born naked, the rest is all drag." Porn has had a tendency to confuse all this with outrageous stereotypes. Terms, like "ladyboy" among others, aren't considered respectful by most people outside of the industry. The most important thing to know is that sex isn't gender and gender isn't sexual orientation.
There are two terms that get confused a lot, so we’d like to take a second to clear up some confusion. Transgender vs transsexual. Many people think they are the same thing. But they aren’t. Transgender is a broader term (whereas transsexual is an older medical term - still preferred by some) used to describe people who identify as a gender different to the one they were assigned to at birth. To make it more clear, this is more a matter of identity than sexuality. Gender identity is determined by more than just your physiology. Culture, behavior, activities and other societal aspects all contribute to gender identity. Many transgender men and women will take hormones or undergo surgery to transition into their identity. Other cannot or will not do this. The long and the short of it is, be respectful and call people what they ask you to call them. There are stacks upon stack of research papers, books, films, art, theater productions, magazines that go into the topic more fully. So if you’re interested keep reading, if not then simply honor people’s requests.
Polyamory might sound a bit like polygamy, but it’s a more general term and deserves more consideration than the harsh reputation often associated with polygamy. Polyamory is the practice of having more than one love relationship at the same time. Polyamory focuses more on honesty and being fair to everyone involved. There are also fewer gender-specific problems and legal issues. The basis of polyamorous philosophy is this simple question: is a monogamous couple really the only way of living together, as traditional ideology would have us believe? Polyamory acknowledges that feelings (LOTS of feelings) are involved in sex, and tries not to get all freaked out by that. Many polyamorous people often carry on several long-term relationships at once. Meaning they take on the responsibility of all of the complexity, boredom, conflict, jealousy, honesty, sharing and mundane rituals as everyone else; except with more than one person.. Polyamory claims that jealousy is something that should be addressed with honest communication, not ignored. Loyalty is defined by respect and commitment, and not only by actions taken. Research has shown that children of polyamorous relationships don’t actually suffer in any of the ways previously claimed. Did you find this interesting? Then also have a look at: FFM, MMF, Threesome, Swinging
Relationships and affairs, is it possible to have both? It is. But it can also be a heavy burden on the relationship if things blow up. The attraction to affairs is usually the new and unknown. Suddenly the erotic spark that has been missing is back. Everything becomes new and exciting. An affair can lead to new sexual adventures, creating a gateway to release tension from work, money and other commitments. Passion clears the mind and for a few hours everything can be forgotten. When the partner eventually finds out about the affair, there is risk they will feel disappointed and hurt. It may even end the relationship. Affairs can also be complicated if the balance changes from purely a sexual affair when one person decides they want more from the relationship. Discretion is Important Reliability and discretion are important in an affair and are required in order for the affair to work and be as carefree as possible. Single or Affair, which is better? More and more women and men don’t want to form a close bond. Maybe because they already have a relationship and don’t like the obligations it brings. By being single or having an affair, one can enjoy new freedom to choose only to have a sexual affair. Filled with wild and unrestrained sex! Another way affairs work well is when there is little or no emotional investment. With deep passion comes deep emotions, which can quickly get complicated. Make sure to check your emotions! Affairs Need Fairness No one should walk away from an affair with a broken heart. It’s important to talk to everyone involved and make sure there is honest and clear communication before, during and after an affair.
“Free love” and “free sex” are no longer the same thing these days. Since the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s encouraged people to act out their every fantasy, things have evolved a bit. These lifestyles have become more sustainable and widespread-you don't have to run away and join some commune or harem in order to experience this sexual freedom. Writers like Herbert Marcuse and Wilhelm Reich, attempted to do away with the restrictive nuclear family idea by proposing a life of sexual freedom as the more 'normal' lifestyle. Feminism, however, began going even further. Even in the 19th century, feminists were rejecting the institution of marriage and the idea that the state should be in charge of someone’s personal and sexual life. Most religious institutions are still dragging their feet when it comes to the issue of sexual freedom and orientation. Looking for more alternative lifestyles? Swing on over to: Swinging, Partner Swapping, BDSM, Polyamory