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Kleine schwänze aus der Siegerland

Similar preferences as Poppers 69

You've probably been giggling about the number 69 since you were in middle school. But have you tried it? Have you ever thought that it might be just what your relationship needs to deal with that thorny problem of not having simultaneous orgasms. One beautiful thing about 69ing is that it's the great equalizer. Men and women can do it, men and men, women and women, and anyone else. It also means that both people get to "give" and "receive", and at the same time. Many people think of 69 as foreplay only, but if you really put your heart into it and are willing to break a sweat, you might find it offers intense and simultaneous orgasms that can bring you closer than ever to your partner! Ready to get your bedroom acrobatics on? Read on for more ideas: Facesitting, Handjobs Foto Pixelio Wagschal
Oral sex refers to all the sexual practices that involves the lips or tongue being placed on one partner’s genitals. Some more technical names for oral sex are cunnilingus, anilingus and fellatio. These are more colloquially known as eating pussy, eating ass, and the classic blowjob. Oral sex gave birth to the infamous 69 position, where each partner is giving the other oral sex at the same time. There's hardly a spot on your body more sensitive and that can create so many sensations than your lips, mouth and tongue. Your mouth can be used to suck, lick, nibble and kiss all the other erogenous zones- cock and balls, pussy, ear lobes, fingers and toes, nipples and so on. After sex (and of course an orgasm) wait a second and then use your mouth to get busy again, the highly sensitive bits of a pussy or cock will often be ready to send shock waves through your partner again. If you're interested in this, also have a look at: Facesitting, Ass Play, Handjobs Photos Pixelio: Rheindahlen, Wagschal
An aphrodisiac is used to stimulate and increase sex drive, pleasure and libido. From the Middle Ages to Now Lots of people know the novel turned film “Perfume”. It tells the story of Jean-Baptise Grenouille. The man who created an irresistible aphrodisiac perfume. It was so strong that the women and men he poured it on tore out into full on sex hunters in lusty orgies. The right dosage of course is the trick. But too much of a good thing can’t be all bad. In the Middle Ages scents weren’t the only aphrodisiacs. Also thought to be aphrodisiacs were various herbs and spices like nutmeg and parsley. Kale was also considered to be one. Some aphrodisiac properties are disputed. There isn’t a lot of clear evidence that they work. Some people say that ginger, chilli, oyster, ginseng, saffron and chocolate are aphrodisiacs. We’ll never know for sure, but Casanova slurped down 50 oysters a day. Don’t Expect Any Miracles Aphrodisiacs are not miracle cures. If they increase desire even just a small amount, then they’ve done their job. Viagra & Co are in a league of their own Drugs and other medications meant to treat erectile dysfunction, for example. Viagra, Levitra, Tadalafil, Apomorphin, Alprostadil are not aphrodisiacs. These drugs are used to treat disorders.