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  • TUT , VS , RW , BL , SIG , KN

    Treffpunkt für Mann mit Frau , Mann mit Paar , Paar mit Frau , Frau mit Fau Egal wo ihr euch verabreden wollt..Zuhause, Parkplatz Wald See H...
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  • Skype Chat/Sexting/Bildert...

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  • Fickstückchen

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Eine Gruppe für zeigefreudige Paare und Frauen! Es geht hier, um mollige bis dicke Frauen, die auf MMF stehen!

Es werden nur eindeutige Profile in die Gruppe aufgenommen mit:

-grünem Haken!
-Vorliebe für mollige Körper!
-Vorliebe für MMF!
-ausgefülltem Profil!
Es werden keine Männer in die Gruppe aufgenommen, die nach CDs,Tvs, DWT und angeblichen Nonbinarys Ausschau halten!
Es sollte zu sehen sein, dass die Frauen curvy oder gar dick sind!

Das Thema sind üppige bis dicke Damen die auf MMF oder auf mehr Männer stehen!
Willkommen sind TS, Ladys, Gentlemen und Paare!

Bitte haltet euch an das Gruppen-Thema!!!

Keine Escourts in der Gruppe!!!

Hier werden auch Paare und Damen aktiv!
Wer dies nicht möchte, stellt bitte KEINE Anfrage!

Rassismus und Ausländerfeindlichkeit haben in dieser Gruppe keine Chance!

Wendet euch bei Fragen an Venus81

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Similar preferences as MMF für Curvy Ladys❤️

Threesomes. So enticing, yet so complicated. Threesomes with two men and a woman are common; sometimes both men are going to be with the woman one after the other, or all three are going at it simultaneously. It's also a good opportunity for newbies to try out any gay urges they may have. In practicality, threesomes can be a bit tricky to balance the attention. Finding a place where everyone is getting equal attention is not always easy, but through communication and practice everyone can get satisfied. Of course if role-play or exhibitionism is your thing, a threesome might be the perfect time to have an uninvolved audience. . Whichever variation you prefer, threesomes can be really good for relationships. Just make sure there is a ton of communication before and after play. Respect everyone's boundaries so that discovery of any feelings and preferences can be done honestly. Interested in other sexy options with multiple partners? Swing over to these pages: Partner Swapping, FFM, Threesomes, Group Sex
One only has to have a quick walk around an art museum to see there are big differences in beauty standards throughout the ages. Historically speaking, the curvier a woman the more sexy she was. Reasons ranged from childbearing to showing off wealth. The famous Belgian painter, Peter Paul Rubens, was particularly important for setting this standard in his time. He wanted to express indulgence, lusciousness, and enjoying life. Of course modern beauty standards have drastically shifted to quite the opposite. Thanks to models like Twiggy. There is resurgence of celebrating the beauty of a curvy woman thanks to the rock-a-billy and burlesque scene. Their nostalgic longing to look like a pin up illustration proving that once again: curvy is sexy. The popularity of the corset shows even thin women lacing up in corset. In an attempt to accentuate what they’ve got in the way of curves. Curvy bodies got you all hot and bothered? Check out these links: Breasts, Butts, Corsets