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  • Parkplatzsex und Rollenspiele

    Eine Gruppe für Bilder, Videos und Erfahrungsberichte oder einfach nur Spaß im Chat ( natürlich auch live Treffen ) 😉
  • Alte mollige Frauen sind e...

    Hier geht es um Frauen im reiferen Alter, die Freude am Sex haben. Wir möchten gerne vorher sehen wer der Gruppe beitreten will. Es ist jede F...
  • Wichsen gegenseitig

    Zusammen gegenseitig wichsen unter Männern. Zu zweit zu mehreren. Verabredet euch und tut euch gegenseitig einen Gefallen in dem ihr den Penis de...
  • BBW "Big beautiful Woman"

    Eine Gruppe für alle die BBW sind und für die drauf stehen Das posten von Schwanzbildern ist tabu! **wegen der hohen Anzahl von Anfragen, werde...
  • 🔥 Zeigefreudig/Austausch 🥵

    Hallo, die Gruppe ist für alle, die gerne mehr von sich zeigen wollen. Zeigt euch, euren Körper, eure Sexstellungen und Vorlieben. Tauscht euch aus...
  • Hoteldate

    Hier entsteht eine Austauschplattform für alle Hotelliebhaber und die die es werden wollen. Hier könnt ihr euch verabreden, austauschen oder Ho...
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You've probably been giggling about the number 69 since you were in middle school. But have you tried it? Have you ever thought that it might be just what your relationship needs to deal with that thorny problem of not having simultaneous orgasms. One beautiful thing about 69ing is that it's the great equalizer. Men and women can do it, men and men, women and women, and anyone else. It also means that both people get to "give" and "receive", and at the same time. Many people think of 69 as foreplay only, but if you really put your heart into it and are willing to break a sweat, you might find it offers intense and simultaneous orgasms that can bring you closer than ever to your partner! Ready to get your bedroom acrobatics on? Read on for more ideas: Facesitting, Handjobs Foto Pixelio Wagschal
Polyamory might sound a bit like polygamy, but it’s a more general term and deserves more consideration than the harsh reputation often associated with polygamy. Polyamory is the practice of having more than one love relationship at the same time. Polyamory focuses more on honesty and being fair to everyone involved. There are also fewer gender-specific problems and legal issues. The basis of polyamorous philosophy is this simple question: is a monogamous couple really the only way of living together, as traditional ideology would have us believe? Polyamory acknowledges that feelings (LOTS of feelings) are involved in sex, and tries not to get all freaked out by that. Many polyamorous people often carry on several long-term relationships at once. Meaning they take on the responsibility of all of the complexity, boredom, conflict, jealousy, honesty, sharing and mundane rituals as everyone else; except with more than one person.. Polyamory claims that jealousy is something that should be addressed with honest communication, not ignored. Loyalty is defined by respect and commitment, and not only by actions taken. Research has shown that children of polyamorous relationships don’t actually suffer in any of the ways previously claimed. Did you find this interesting? Then also have a look at: FFM, MMF, Threesome, Swinging