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icon-wio Jessixl created an entry in Dirty Talk
Hallo liebe Herren 🙋‍♀️ suche fürs WE Schwänze live, geil schreiben, telefonieren… Bin Mega geil 😇
Kiss Jessi
LikeDieschlange87, Versaut71, nimmersatt187and 1 more…
icon-wio bineugier66 created an entry in Dirty Talk
Hi, wer ist denn alles aus dem Saarland bzw Rheinland-Pfalz? Würde mich freuen von euch zu hören
Grüße aus zweibrücken
icon-wio Kielerförde created an entry in Dirty Talk
Wer hat Lust zu schreiben?
icon-wio Bullensex created an entry in Dirty Talk
Komm auf Telegram, lass uns Fotos austauschen und über Sex reden
icon-wio TV_Beathe created an entry in Dirty Talk
icon-wio TV_Beathe created an entry in Dirty Talk
icon-wio Jessixl created an entry in Dirty Talk
Love it nasty!
xox whore
icon-wio ExtremHorny created an entry in Dirty Talk
Suche im raum Frankfurt
Mollige bis extrem Mollige XXL Frau
Dick Tittig, Breit Arsch
( Lactation Milch spritz freudig )

Gerne auch Ältere Dame oder Schwarze Ebony Ghana Frau

Einfach anschreiben
icon-wio Ollipi created an entry in Dirty Talk
Das war eine super geile Fahrt....
LikeGutes-Herz-0815, Steve35Söm, Brumbear19
icon-wio Major-Rumpel created an entry in Dirty Talk
Nabend zusammen;)
Welche sie hat Lust mich geil zu machen und zur Belohnung darf sie mir per Video WhatsApp beim anal kommen zu sehn😉
Meldet euch bin Mega bokisch und benötige einen Dirty Talk vom feinsten😉
icon-wio Major-Rumpel created an entry in Dirty Talk
Welche sie hat Lust zu chatten bzw mir beim nackt putzen zu sehn?

Similar preferences as Dirty Talk

Most of us like dirty talk. Whether it’s sweet suggestions whispered in the ear or nasty words spat out while our hair is being pulled, a little verbal theatrics gets most people going. For those that are warming up for some BDSM play, this is often pretty aggressive and might involve insulting or belittling someone, claiming not to be interested in them, or even mocking their sexual attractiveness. For couples who regular engage in aggressive or BDSM sex, this kind of “hard” dirty talk might be a frequent part of their relationship. Certainly, those who are involved with porn, phone sex or cam sex are making the most of the power of words.
Phone sex originated in an age when phones were stationary and had cords attached to them, you know, totally pre-historic! Part of the appeal of phone sex then, was that there was no visual component. The caller enjoyed the tones of the voice, the personality of the person on the other end, and the fantasies sparked by the dirty talk hat was exchanged. Phone sex has occurred between partners who were separated by distance, but it has also been a business for decades. Numbers with special per-minute rates were set up, staffed by women of all types, and callers were pleasured for money. What's interesting is that while phone sex between partners is sex, it also plays a part in their relationship, and can be a tool for maintaining or even increasing intimacy.

Discussions and topics about Dirty Talk

  • Sex talk

    What's your favorite sex position what really turn you on during sex (what makes you cum)? ...
    • 5 replies
  • Just Talk

    Say something naughty... ...
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