Dies ist eine Gruppe für Männer mit großen Schwänzen und alle Liebhabern von Big Dicks/Big Cocks.
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Du bist ein Brandenburger oder Berliner? Du bist gecheckt? Du willst dich austoben? Neue Kontakte knüpfen? Dann bist du hier Willkommen. Erstmal nur m/w/pärchen. Nach einem kurzem Check erhältst du Zugang. Hab Geduld, bis gleich.
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Similar preferences as Brandenburger Land & Berlin
Ever notice that you are drawn time and time again to a particular part of someone’s body that you find attractive? Well, for some people that part could be the eyes or a strong jaw line, for others it’s the hands. Long and slender or strong and hard, everyone has their own preference. Think about all the delicious things they can do! Why wouldn’t you find them sexy? Not to mention the popular debate: does the length of a man’s hand equal the length of his cock? It’s like the Tootsie Roll Pop commercial- We may never know. Hands caress and hold, they can scratch and spank, then tickle their way back into a cuddly love puddle. Not to mention the fun they bring to foreplay! Warm your partner up by sucking on their fingers until they’re screaming for more. The ideas are endless. Plus everyone loves a good morning hand job. What else can you do with your hands? Blindfolds Fisting Handjob