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  • Treffen in Duisburg und Um...

    Hier kann sich jeder austauschen und ein treffen verabreden im Raum Duisburg
  • Lust in Mecklenburg - Vorp...

    In dieser Gruppe finden sich Männer, Frauen und Paare. Es sind alle willkommen die Lust auf Sex haben und sich gerne kennenlernen möchten. Für Anre...
  • Hotels und Pensionen

    Diese Gruppe ist an Vielreisende adressiert. Gute Hotels und Pensionen mit Popp-Möglichkeiten drum rum. Interessant wären auch Beiträge zur Gastron...
  • Von schwarzhumorig bis tie...

    Zutritt nur mit Bild und Echtheitsprüfung Ich behalte mir vor, Anfragen ohne Begründung abzulehnen. Ob Witz oder Lebensweisheit, Freunde der ...
  • Bauernhof

    Willkommen bei uns. Die Gruppe Bauernhof bietet verschiedene Möglichkeiten und soll verschiedene Bereiche ansprechen: Romantik im Stroh, Freizeita...
  • Camping

    Camping alles rund ums Campen, Orte, schöne Ecken, mal was neues, Outdoor sex an ungewöhnlichen Orten, oder einfach mal so.
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Wer Lust hat kann rein schauen und vielleicht bilder von sich in dwt reinstellen

icon-wio knaki36 created an entry in Dwt Schwestern
icon-wio Nicki-TS created an entry in Dwt Schwestern
Zu mir:
-Single aber nicht aktiv auf der Suche.
Ich lasse mich lieber finden ..
Bissel verrückt, schrill, sexy, frivol und manchmal mit wenig Stoff und viel Haut, ......aber..... auf keinen Fall langweilig im 08/15 Dress.
Mal schick, auffallend, Stylisch, Crazy und Sexy gekleidet.

Das Auge f*** bekanntlich mit *zwinker* 🥹
icon-wio Nicki-TS created an entry in Dwt Schwestern
Zu mir:
-Single aber nicht aktiv auf der Suche.
Lass mich lieber finden . 😊
Bissel verrückt, schrill, sexy, frivol und manchmal mit wenig Stoff und viel Haut, ......aber..... auf keinen Fall langweilig im 08/15 Dress.
Mal schick, auffallend, Stylisch, Crazy und Sexy gekleidet.

Das Auge f*** bekanntlich mit *zwinker* 🥹
LikeGGler, DWT_Mandy
icon-wio Nicki-TS created an entry in Dwt Schwestern
  • +2
icon-wio knaki36 created an entry in Dwt Schwestern
  • +4
icon-wio uelzen128 created an entry in Dwt Schwestern
Suche in Raum Uelzen Umgebung bis 50 Kilometer Wix Kumpel für regelmäßig Wix Treffen gemeinsam schön ab spritzen und gegen seitiges wixxen ohne Ende gerne auch Duft DWT Leggings T Traswestiten Transgender als Wix und Pis Vorlage.
icon-wio knaki36 created an entry in Dwt Schwestern
icon-wio HeikoHeikeCross48 created an entry in Dwt Schwestern
icon-wio knaki36 created an entry in Dwt Schwestern
  • +4
icon-wio knaki36 created an entry in Dwt Schwestern
  • +3
icon-wio knaki36 created an entry in Dwt Schwestern
icon-wio knaki36 created an entry in Dwt Schwestern

Similar preferences as Dwt Schwestern

Wet look clothing and lingerie are often seen in the Gothic and BDSM scenes. They sometimes accompany lace, corsets, and fishnets, but are often worn minimally and with revealing cuts. They can be bought at most sex shops or in fantasy lingerie sections. Wet look clothes hug the figure tightly and are generally thin and smooth- hence the name. They also tend to carry temperatures quickly, so they augment the stimulation of getting hot and heavy with someone. They are great attire for role play, and tend to be the go-to uniforms for Tops and Dominatrixes. If you're new to the sex club/party scene, and aren't sure how you want to handle the dress code; the wet look is a simple and sexy option that will get you through the door for sure. If you're in to wet look clothing, also check out: Catsuits, Latex Fetish, Spandex
Circumcision. It’s a scary word for some, the total norm for others. A widespread practice in the USA, most other countries do not cut their cocks unless medically necessary. The old myth about hygiene turns out to be just that: a myth. Turns out a little soap and water is all you need. The bigger picture reveals that only 30% of men around the world are circumcised. Some religions require circumcision but in general men tend to leave their hats on. There is also the great debate about whether or not it decreases sexual pleasure as an adult. Common sense will answer that for you. The head of the penis is sensitive. If it’s kept protected by the foreskin from rubbing on the insides of trousers for years on end, it will maintain it’s sensitivity. But if the hat is removed, back luck fellas, the head will be desensitized. Fear not hatless men, this just means you need to concentrate more on what your partner is doing. The more you focus on the sensations sliding around your cock, the nicer it will feel regardless of your foreskin situation! More about things to do with cocks: Balls, Oral Sex, Cum Swallowing
Erotic art is as old as time. Nudes, most often done with paint, pencil, and more recently photography, are common forms of portraying and encouraging our seductive ways. Great historical examples are the murals of fertility rites, that can be found in the French caves of Lascaux. Also in Pompeii where the ancient Romans covered brothel doors and even sidewalks with erotic decorations. Of course, we can hardly be shocked by these naughty depictions, since porn, Hentai and nude photography are so common nowadays. Perhaps some of the subtleties have been lost in favor of extreme close-ups and money shots. All the same, we have a world of traditions at our finger tips; we have plenty to appreciate.