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Beauty of Decay = Schönheit des Zerfalls
Lost Places, Ruinen, Altes, Marodes, Kaputtes, Rostiges


  • die Fotos müssen keine Kunstwerke sein, sollten aber schon eine gewisse Qualität und Ästhetik haben
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Similar preferences as BEAUTY of DECAY

Bondage means all kinds of sexual games that are played with ropes, cuffs or other types of restraints. Your partner’s freedom of movement is restricted either at the hands or feet, or both. In BDSM play, bondage might be integrated into role-play scenarios. One variation is to tie restraints or even clips or weights to your partner’s genitals. This is to provide sensations, but often times the appeal is aesthetic, too. BDSM, after all, involves not only enjoying giving and receiving harsh treatment, but also of seeing one’s handiwork as one takes control. Bondage can also be psychological too. Demanding that your partner doesn’t move their hands or open their eyes can also be a massive turn on. Get creative! Here re some other links that might interest you: BDSM Bondage, Hard BDSM, Roleplay
Maybe it’s the cool breeze on your raw skin, the soothing solitude, or the calming movement of the water. Something about sex on a boat makes everything more sensual. The adventurous are sure to get their fill of excitement on a boat or yacht. As long as you’re out of danger of capsizing, the options for hot sex are pretty great. You have the warm sun on your skin during the day, you can cuddle up in the cabin at night. You can watch the stars, or enjoy the sound of the waves from inside. If you’re really spoiled, maybe you have a crew who would be down for a gangbang or some group sex. Of course, if you’re really adventurous, the water provides its own exciting opportunities. Dive in! More wet and wild ideas here: Outdoor sex, Sex in the Water, Exhibitionism Photo Pixelio: sharpei