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Similar preferences as Alles Test 10 9 8

The balls aren't much to look at, but they are a fascinating feature of the male physique. Not only do they produce millions of spermatozoa for the entire lifespan of the bearer, they also produce testosterone, creating the male sex characteristics like facial hair and voice deepening. What you need to know about these organs is that although they may look and feel like the shriveled, dehydrated version of Chinese stress balls, they are very useful for a happy sex life. Think about ways to work them in, you'll be surprised at the payoff in your male partner's pleasure! One good tip is that while the shaft of the dick likes soft, wet and warm, and absolutely does not like texture, sharpness or tugging, the balls are quite the opposite. Sucking balls isn't actually all that exciting. Scratching, pinching, scraping and tugging however, can send a guy through the roof. More fun ideas for the undercarriage here: Watersports, Handjobs, Oral Sex
Most people are aware of foot fetishes: it gets a decent amount of press. And most ladies who have had a killer pair of heels and worn them around a big city have seen that twinkle in a man's eye when he compliments them. Foot fetishes come in different forms. Some people are into the smell, and so bare feet, perhaps after a long day in a shoe of a preferred material, are preferred. Others get off on performing sex acts with toes or feet; like rubbing them on their genitals, insertion, or sucking. Historically many cultures had foot fetishes. The most common example being that of foot-binding in China. But nowadays, streaming video and online shopping can make this special kind of joy available to the average Joe or Joanne much more easily. More body parts that turn us on here: Legs, Breasts, Butts

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