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  • Fette Weiber

    Fette Damen werden hier respektiert, wer blöde oder diskriminierend Kommentare schreibt fliegt raus. Wir freuen uns über reichlich füllige Damen, ...
  • Cockringe

    Für Cockringträger und Liebhaberinnen
  • Erfahrene Frauen.und Junge...

    Hier geht es um das so wunderbar erotische Verhältnis zwischen reifen, erfahrenen Frauen und jungen, unerfahrenen Männern. Als neue Gruppencoach bi...
  • Tops und ihre Sklaven

    Wer in seinem Profil nicht die Inzeressen teilt, ist hier leider fehl am Platz
  • TV / TS / CD

    **WICHTIG: Dieses Gruppe richtet sich ausschließlich an TV, TS oder CD. Reale Treffen und Unternehmungen, Partnersuche, Austausch über gemeinsam...
  • Anonym ficken 🎭

    Du stehst auch darauf dich völlig Anonym ficken zu lassen oder aber selbst Anonym zu ficken? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.
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Dies ist eine Gruppe für alle die gerne Sperma schlucken oder Sperma spenden zum schlucken.Gerne auch Frauen die Sperma mögen

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Similar preferences as Spermaschlucken im Raum Köln

Locker rooms are a great setting for pornos, but the logistics of banging in one are pretty complicated in real life. First of all, you should probably be prepared to stand: think about the selection of surfaces at your disposal. Not great. And then, there is the challenge of finding a locker room empty enough, and getting it to stay that way long enough. You might be an exhibitionist who doesn't mind an accidental audience, but most schools or private gyms are going to mind, and laws about public behavior may apply. And finally, of course, there is the problem of rigid gender separation in most facilities. This is only a problem for straight people, of course, and it might, on the other hand, lay the groundwork for some very interesting same-gender experiences. Locker rooms might also be happy places for voyeurs, but make sure everything is fully consensual! More on getting publicly freaky here: Exhibitionism, Outdoor Sex, Quickies
Most people who give blowjobs have a routine down; they either spit or swallow the cum, and they know when they to mix it up. Since about two thirds of adults practice oral sex, the question comes up quite often. Some people think asking a woman to swallow is sexist, and that it asserts male dominance in an overly extreme way. But dominance might be play for some people, and many women like the sensation of swallowing. Others think spitting is showing rejection, and whatever the case might be for you and your partner, we have to respect people's preferences. Find related topics here: Oral Sex, Quickies, Cocks