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  • AO - Parkplatz Sex

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Eine geschützte Gruppe,
für Erfahrungs- Austausch und ein Netzwerk von Menschen, die entweder ihr Interesse an BDSM gerade erst entdecken, oder die sich schon länger damit beschäftigen und eigentlich alle, die sich irgendwie für das Thema interessieren, BDSM praktizieren, sich ungestört austauschen, informieren oder gleichgesinnte kennenlernen möchten. 

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Similar preferences as BDSMler unter sich

A stocking fetish might be seen as something men have- a longing desire for the long, lean, lacy legs of women. But women can get off on their silky soft leg wear as well. Soft nylon, suspender stockings, Lycra lingerie and intricate designs can all make the tight covering of the leg a sensual experience. It used to be that stockings were custom-made to order, until they began being mass-produced in the 1960s. While more convenient the art of custom stocking making has been lost. But period dress shops and high-end sex shops still sell creative designs with different themes. Men sometimes enjoy wearing these as well, and lucky for them stockings come in a variety of sizes.
High heel shoes give you a little lift and an extra sexy sway in your walk. Normally at least three inches high, the affect is to make the wearer's legs look longer and thinner. Many women wear a low "kitten heel" for a busy day, and higher, thinner heels for going out. Stilletos have super thin metal heels that can be 6 inches or higher. Walking in high heels can be a bit tricky for the unexperienced, as many a videos on YouTube demonstrate. Super high stilletos are not your only option- ankle boots, espadrilles and wedges are all designed to keep your legs and butt looking sexy without killing your ankles or giving you vertigo. More on the hotness below the hemline in these links: Legs, Women's Lingerie, Footwear
Maybe it’s the cool breeze on your raw skin, the soothing solitude, or the calming movement of the water. Something about sex on a boat makes everything more sensual. The adventurous are sure to get their fill of excitement on a boat or yacht. As long as you’re out of danger of capsizing, the options for hot sex are pretty great. You have the warm sun on your skin during the day, you can cuddle up in the cabin at night. You can watch the stars, or enjoy the sound of the waves from inside. If you’re really spoiled, maybe you have a crew who would be down for a gangbang or some group sex. Of course, if you’re really adventurous, the water provides its own exciting opportunities. Dive in! More wet and wild ideas here: Outdoor sex, Sex in the Water, Exhibitionism Photo Pixelio: sharpei