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    Hallo, die Gruppe ist für alle, die gerne mehr von sich zeigen wollen. Zeigt euch, euren Körper, eure Sexstellungen und Vorlieben. Tauscht euch aus...
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    Hallo ihr lieben, dass ist eine Gruppe für alle die einfach nur ficken wollen! Egal ob Mann oder Frau, hauptsache du willst nur das Eine! Es soll u...
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Austausch über Gloryholes in Niedersachsen und Bremen.
Erfahrungen und passende Orte

icon-wio MrBremen44 created an entry in Gloryhole NDS Bremen
Privates Glory Hole in Bremen gesucht!
icon-wio sunix created an entry in Gloryhole NDS Bremen
Hallo suche GH zum ausprobieren.

PLZ 2620X
icon-wio For_Fun90 created an entry in Gloryhole NDS Bremen
Gibt es welche in Ostfriesland?
icon-wio XXX-1982 created an entry in Gloryhole NDS Bremen
Suche für meinen ein Gloryhole - Allerdings nur für Frauen
Likeblowjob4him, Vovonet
icon-wio XXX-1982 created an entry in Gloryhole NDS Bremen
Moin, suche Gloryhole für meinen Schwanz…allerdings nur für Frauen (der Mann kann zusehen)
icon-wio Taschenkanone created an entry in Gloryhole NDS Bremen
Das private Gloryhole in Braunschweig für M und Paare (MW / MM)
icon-wio BremenNord25Passiv created an entry in Gloryhole NDS Bremen
Schade das es in Bremen keine öffentlichen Gloryholes gibt :/
Likeolaf_der_hengst, gayclp
icon-wio Jonny-28329 created an entry in Gloryhole NDS Bremen
Guten Abend gibt es irgendwo die Möglichkeit von einem Privaten gloryhole in Bremen?
icon-wio blauauge9996 created an entry in Gloryhole NDS Bremen
Gibt es GH zwischen Soltau und Hannover, die weiblich bestückt sind?
Und wenn ja, wann?
Danke für die Rückmeldungen
icon-wio BILUST1311 created an entry in Gloryhole NDS Bremen
Hi, wer kann mir ein gutes PK mit Gloryhole in Bremen empfehlen?

icon-wio Andreas-9562 created an entry in Gloryhole NDS Bremen
Hallo, bin neu auf dem Gebiet gibt es in Oldenburg und Umgebung ein gloryhole außerhalb eines Kinos oder Club? Würde mich derbe lecken lassen. .

Similar preferences as Gloryhole NDS Bremen

What’s so great about a hole in the wall? Well, this hole leads the curious to a bit of incognito fun. Glory holes are all over the place: in public toilets of some bars and clubs, or some cinemas. Gay and straight men use them. Most are just looking for a bit of noncommittal action from a faceless stranger. The first time a guy visits a glory hole, he might be a bit worried about sticking his dick, literally, into the ‘unknown’. He’s unsure what potential pleasures await his curious cock on the other side. For most the thrill of the unknown is what keeps them coming back for more. The curious cock can let his imagination fly as he slips onto a joy ride into the unknown. Glory holes are hidden all over and offer up mysterious pleasure rides with few complications!
Ever notice that you are drawn time and time again to a particular part of someone’s body that you find attractive? Well, for some people that part could be the eyes or a strong jaw line, for others it’s the hands. Long and slender or strong and hard, everyone has their own preference. Think about all the delicious things they can do! Why wouldn’t you find them sexy? Not to mention the popular debate: does the length of a man’s hand equal the length of his cock? It’s like the Tootsie Roll Pop commercial- We may never know. Hands caress and hold, they can scratch and spank, then tickle their way back into a cuddly love puddle. Not to mention the fun they bring to foreplay! Warm your partner up by sucking on their fingers until they’re screaming for more. The ideas are endless. Plus everyone loves a good morning hand job. What else can you do with your hands? Blindfolds Fisting Handjob
Alphabet soup time! B: bondage- physically or psychologically restricting movements of another. D: domination- having power or control over another. S: sadism- finding pleasure in causing pain to another. M: masochism- getting pleasure from receiving pain from another. Put it all together and what’ve you got? BDSM: a subculture shrouded in misconceptions. Your mind just probably flashed to latex catsuits and dungeons. Or CEOs being dominated by women with whips wearing unbelievably high stilettos. The BDSM world is unique in the fact it’s the leader in consent culture. Meaning it is psychologically speaking, a very healthy community. Everything done between partners is consensual and discussed beforehand whilst sober. You hear people talk a lot about ‘safe words’ and that’s where it comes from. Someone screaming ‘No! Please stop!’ can be a major turn on for some people, so when you hear ‘Reindeer!’ you know it’s time to immediately stop and check in. The intensity in BDSM relationship is based on handing over your trust to another person knowing that trust will not be broken. Everyone is equal in this world. A Bottom is in just as much control as the Top and vice versa. Pain is a natural fantasy most people have and when it’s discussed and consensual, exchanges can be incredible. But if the pain is a one-sided desire perhaps a bit of therapy is in order to discover where this want came from. For people unfamiliar with the BDSM world please don’t read or watch 50 Shades and think it’s a how-to-guide. Perhaps a how-to-NOT. If this world is interesting or exciting to you- get on some forums, check out your local kink clubs or munches and explore this often misunderstood world. Want to learn more about how to take a beating? Submission, Domination, Sadomasochism