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  • Für vernachlässigte Hausfr...

    Alles erlaubt.
  • Sie mag große Schwänze

    ☆☆☆AUFNAHMESTOPP FÜR MÄNNER☆☆☆ Einlass nur mit Echheitprüfung und Profilbild Profile ohne jegliche persönliche Note werden nicht aufgenommen,...
  • Hausfreund*in für reife Fr...

    Oldenburg und Umzu!!!
  • Uniformfetisch

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  • Wichsen gegenseitig

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  • Soldaten die auf TS stehen

    Diese Gruppe ist für alle Bundis/ Soldaten die sich gerne mit TS Vergnügen.
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Für alle Trans Liebhaber.
Alles erlaubt aber bitte mit Respekt.

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Similar preferences as Trans NRW

There are two terms that get confused a lot, so we’d like to take a second to clear up some confusion. Transgender vs transsexual. Many people think they are the same thing. But they aren’t. Transgender is a broader term (whereas transsexual is an older medical term - still preferred by some) used to describe people who identify as a gender different to the one they were assigned to at birth. To make it more clear, this is more a matter of identity than sexuality. Gender identity is determined by more than just your physiology. Culture, behavior, activities and other societal aspects all contribute to gender identity. Many transgender men and women will take hormones or undergo surgery to transition into their identity. Other cannot or will not do this. The long and the short of it is, be respectful and call people what they ask you to call them. There are stacks upon stack of research papers, books, films, art, theater productions, magazines that go into the topic more fully. So if you’re interested keep reading, if not then simply honor people’s requests.