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Hier können sich alle austauschen, die in Pornokinos im Raum Worms, Ludwigshafen oder Mannheim gerne mal Spaß haben wollen. Alles kann, nichts muss.

icon-wio Webster74 created an entry in Erbeermund und andere PK Worms/MA/LU
Heute in Worms
  • +5
icon-wio Tanja73nylon created an entry in Erbeermund und andere PK Worms/MA/LU
icon-wio Isi80-8954 created an entry in Erbeermund und andere PK Worms/MA/LU
wollen Donnerstag Erdbeermund besuchen
sie Vorführen und bei Interesse vielleicht jemand Ran lassen aber mit T.... ihr wisst :-)))
Likeworms840, XXXFunBoy, thommy789and 7 more…
icon-wio Isi80-8954 created an entry in Erbeermund und andere PK Worms/MA/LU
am Donnerstag aind würden wir eventuell mit meiner Freundin Erdbeer mund worms besuchen wie isz es dort kann man auch Türen abschließen??
LikeMarc67547, Tropical_66
icon-wio romeo2000405 created an entry in Erbeermund und andere PK Worms/MA/LU
Suche für kommenden Donnerstag Nachmittag ausdauernden Bläser im Pk. Bitte PN
Likehradada, realdd1967
icon-wio Spermaschnecke created an entry in Erbeermund und andere PK Worms/MA/LU
So Leute, da wir ja hin und wieder im Erdbeermund sind, habe ich den vakanten "Vorsitz" übernommen. Lasset die (Sperma)-Spiele beginnen!
Likehradada, Fummell, adlerauge_97and 18 more…
icon-wio 19Daniel91 created an entry in Erbeermund und andere PK Worms/MA/LU
Ein paar oder eine Frau die Tage in Bruchsal im erdbeermund?
LikeIsi80-8954, oldermenwelcome
icon-wio Webster74 created an entry in Erbeermund und andere PK Worms/MA/LU
icon-wio EhrlicherMann created an entry in Erbeermund und andere PK Worms/MA/LU
Hallo Hübsche.......will Morgen Abend den 15.2.2025 ins Planet X nach Ludwigshafen. Suche noch ne weibliche Begleitung LG Thomas
icon-wio Murat_1977 created an entry in Erbeermund und andere PK Worms/MA/LU
Wer hat heute Lust im Erdbeermund Worms oder Mannheim
Bin auch für andere Vorschläge offen
Bitte anschreiben kann keine likes sehen
icon-wio Lederchaps79 created an entry in Erbeermund und andere PK Worms/MA/LU

Similar preferences as Erbeermund und andere PK Worms/MA/LU

Since its invention in the 1530s, the corset has been allowing us to choose beauty over comfort in a fairly extreme way. The first was made of whalebone, then advances in technology replaced bone with steels strips, spirals and rods. In 1562, Eleonora de Toledo was buried with her corset, which offered us an early specimen. In 1830, metal eyelets were invented, which made the construction and use of corsets much simpler. Around that time, the garment was not worn only by women, but was also in fashion for men, who were known as "dandies". In 1913, corsets started getting a bad reputation. Women's activists decried their health effects. The medical evidence on this point is ambiguous, but when the war years came around 1920, such luxurious garments were thrown aside in favor of practical and usable attire. Coco Chanel and other designers have often worked corsets into their fashion lines, but they are more often seen in kink wear and costumes. They are a central figure of the Gothic scene. They frequently visit the dungeons of the BDSM world as well. And surprisingly, they are sometimes recommended for doctors as treatment for certain back problems. Loosen your strings or tighten them up. Read more about other elegant kinks: Bondage Breasts Footwear Striptease