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Die Gruppe gilt nur für Black Männer und white womens. Umkreis 50 km von Marburg

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Similar preferences as Afro & White Marburg

Wet look clothing and lingerie are often seen in the Gothic and BDSM scenes. They sometimes accompany lace, corsets, and fishnets, but are often worn minimally and with revealing cuts. They can be bought at most sex shops or in fantasy lingerie sections. Wet look clothes hug the figure tightly and are generally thin and smooth- hence the name. They also tend to carry temperatures quickly, so they augment the stimulation of getting hot and heavy with someone. They are great attire for role play, and tend to be the go-to uniforms for Tops and Dominatrixes. If you're new to the sex club/party scene, and aren't sure how you want to handle the dress code; the wet look is a simple and sexy option that will get you through the door for sure. If you're in to wet look clothing, also check out: Catsuits, Latex Fetish, Spandex