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  • Bi MM, Gruppe für aktive u...

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Moin dies ist ein Gruppe für Liebhaber des Puren (AO) Sex aus den PLZ gebieten 1/2/3 um gleichgesinnte kennenzulernen zu Daten und Spaß zu haben

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Similar preferences as AO Norddeutschland

Our jobs give us money to live, but for many people they also provide a pool of hotties we might be tempted to get sweaty with. A survey of users on our sister-site in Germany,, showed that about 30% of married people had met at work, so that's just a peek at the ones who went out of the copy room! Meeting at work seems to be a good basis for a lot of relationships. Perhaps because problem solving and managing crises were part of the interpersonal dynamic before things got romantic. Depending on the organization at the company, perhaps you're getting all hot and bothered with a fellow co-worker or maybe you're getting into a bit of risky business with a superior. Either way, keep your wits about you while messin' about in the office! Looking for more places to get busy with your co-workers? Check out these other places: On the Toilet, Chat, In the Elevator