
Male (44) Not single

Would Put "Witty Headline" But That's Played Out

I'm getting older and I've had rough patches here and there and I just want what I want at this point.
I know people don't really want to read too much here. I don't either. I don't much like writing on here either.

So I'm going to post some things about me. I like to be honest and I like to be helpful so I am going to start out with the negatives first

I'm fat. I'm trying to change that but I'm doing the best job.
I have a normal sized dick and it doesn't work very well anymore.
I don't have a place to play (we can go into why if you ask).

Now some good things.
I'm a good conversationist. I know how to use words like conversationist.
I want to please and I want to understand so I ask questions and make sure we get what we want.
I'm open to do new things. I have the things I like (see below) of course but I actively seek to try new things.
I'm discreet and not needy or clingy.

Some things I like.
CBT. Huge for me. If you don't want to do this then we probably won't work.
Recieving Anal.
Orgaism Denial/Ruining
Obeying and pleasing

Would Put "Witty Headline" But That's Played Out

One Night Stand25km around USA, Buford