Not looking for anything. I have a Goddess I serve.
If you are interested in playing with Her, I can put you in touch. Any play with me must be approved by Her.
Love the stuff that The Upper Floor makes. I love the idea of subbing at parties and public events. Just need to get my Dom on board with the idea...
Personally I enjoy watching BDSM porn. But it should also be noted that a lot of the stuff in BDSM porn is either overexaggerated or simply wouldn't be seen in most kinky dynamics. They are paid actors trying to make a high-quality video. Therefore, everything they do is scripted.
Also BDSM porn Read more… always just focuses on the sex part of the scene. I have yet to see one porno actually show any aftercare, which is extremely important for any BDSM scene. I was taught and continue to believe that BDSM is more than just the sex. It's the connection you make with your partner, the protocols you both agree to, the aftercare, etc. that make up a BDSM scene. But again, porn is there just for enjoyment, so as long as you remember that porn is just a bunch of actors, I don't see the harm in enjoying it.
*** = Endorphins
Endorphins = Natural high
Natural high = Amazing feelings
Then there is the whole control aspect of it all. Knowing that another person has the capability to either cause you *** or pleasure at any moment is an amazing sensation.
This is an interesting spin on the usual "Stop sending dick pics" post.
"Qwerty" is simply because I studied computer science in college and work IT. "Tothemax" is because the name qwerty was already taken. If I had to give it a better reason though, I'd say it's because there are no half measures with me. When I set out to do something, I finish it. I go "to the max".
How about a sweat fetish? Or ***d exercise fetish?
I'd wish away the virus so that we can get back to our regular lives and these munches can pick up again.