Personal details

Gender Woman
Age 33
Status Not single
Hair length
Zodiac signs Sagittarius

About me

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Jillian Boyd is a blogger, author of erotic short fiction and editor.

When she's not writing, she can most likely be found at her day job or in the dark of the cinema. Her stories have been published by the likes of Cleis Press, Ladylit and Sexy Little Pages gives you…

Many possibilities! There are plenty of beds to cozy up in or sex parties to attend. (Have you ever tried sex in public? No? Then hop over to Outdoor sex). There are lots of RPGers here and plenty of sexy people waiting. Check out Men seeking Women or Men seeking Men. Still not convinced to meet in person? Then use your imagination and check out our Sex Forum.

icon-wio JBoyd signed up on
  • 06.04.2017 10:45:55
  • Female (33)
  • London
  • Not single