Happy MOvember Popcorn.dating Buddies!

November is is famous for it’s mustaches, so of course we’re going to be talking about where those fabulous furry ‘lip warmers’ come from and why it’s important for all you men out there to CHECK YOUR BALLS please! Another lesser known theme for this month is awareness about violence against women. Not such a happy topic, I know, but we've got some incredible life changing and positive stories to share. We’ll also include helplines and websites, so if you or someone you know need help, the information is easy to find. Spread the love, share knowledge!




If you care about testicles please get them checked!

Popcorn.dating is growing and that’s fucking exciting! We've got new and easier ways for your friends to join. It’s super fucking easy to join Popcorn.dating! Now you can use Facebook to sign up. I know, I know. You’re thinking, ‘WTF?! Use my Facebook to log in? No fucking way!’ But have no fear future Popcorn.dating buddies! Privacy and confidentiality are priority numero uno here on Popcorn.dating: You are the boss of what happens with your accounts and it’s easy to adjust the privacy settings.

Who the Fuck is That?!

The magazine will be starting a new series: ‘Who the Fuck is That?’ which will replace the old series ‘Top Ten Things to Fucking Do’. This weekly series will feature all the latest and greatest places and people from around the UK (including many internationally renowned) making a positive difference in the world of fucking. We’ll cover fucking everything from porn makers and sex workers to sex educators and other erotic artists.

Thanks again for reading Popcorn.dating buddies! I’m looking forward to another amazing month, full of fucktastic articles and interviews. So strap on your favorite reading paraphernalia and get busy!

Stay warm this MOvember Popcorn.dating Buddies and enjoy!
With love and consensual hugs,
The F*cking Editor

Do you write? Want to get featured on the Popcorn.dating magazine? Send me a message
write (at) fuck (dot) com
Have a burning question about fucking that you want answered? Send Abi a message
askabit (at) fuck (dot) com



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