What does Match.com do well?


Match.com has provided a platform for everyone to find someone who fits their desire for a life partner. Match is a free online dating site that is now thriving in 24 countries across five continents and is available in 15 different languages. It allows you to sign up for free and fill out your profile in a whole array of parameters that help in identifying the people toning to your interests.
You can sign up for free, but there are different levels of access features that are available in various subscription plans. The least you can do is post photos on your profile, and send winks to a potential buddy. On the other extreme, a Pro user will have their profile accessible to the dating experts who can review their profiles, edit them and increase their chances of landing a date.After subscribing to the paid plans, you will be able to view other profiles, see who have viewed your profile and send unlimited emails. There is also a dedicated address which you can use to communicate privately and securely to other singles.
They also provide access to a smartphone application called the matchPhone that has localized your dating experience as long as you have your phone. It provides the Match.com site, customized for phone use, and you can access all the features just as on the PC. The GPS-enabled phones can also help you find the single people around your location.Most of us may be already courting, but somehow still think we can do better, am I right? Well, the premium plan helps you have a lifestyle whereby you get to look for the ‘perfect’ person for you without having to fuck up your current relationship. MatchPhone for premium users allows you to chat or talk anonymously by generating a caller ID of your choice. This makes your dating life as stress-free as you may want it to be.


Other than online dating services, Match.com has also introduced fun events for its members. You can arrange and meet your buddy at a bowling night, dance classes, cooking lessons, wine tasting, among others.


How can Match.com improve?

It is very kind of them that they let you sign up for free. We all call this the dating game, but in order to play it on Match.com, you will be compelled to fork over some real cash. Business-wise, we can’t blame them, but it can be annoying the way they ask you to input your credit card digits every time you need an additional service. I mean, why don’t they make the services available in blocks, or at least let you review? As the tabs are inactive, they could activate them after one pays up. This means that if you are enthusiastic to sign up today, you will need some tremendous amount of money, unless as per your lifestyle, $60 a month for a chance to meet new people is nothing.

That notwithstanding, I think Match should consider monitoring the period and privileges of the trial accounts. How would it feel if you signed up to meet a buddy whom you are looking forward to going out with for someday only to get your inbox stuffed up with spam emails? It is disheartening that you are using Match.com because of your tight work schedule only for some douche to take up your time with a chat that has no sense at all.

Lastly, Match.com should inform users in advance when they intend to be offline for maintenance. Alternatively they can leave the chat and message options up and running. Someone may have left you a message setting up a date, and when you fail to respond, or worse, fail to show up, they will think you are rude and disrespectful. No one likes to be stood up. Right, ladies? Guys?




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I love friendship nd relationship with women of all ages. Can anyone help me out one friend for me?

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You guys are awesome, I love you guys, you have done a wonderful job

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[…] or religious beliefs; they’ll just get you laid – ideal if you’re sick of dawdling around on mainstream vanilla sites. The perversions.com home page is a master class in kinky online dating signups; instead of […]

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i think that match is awesome i have had lotsa sex with many hot babes here. trust me if you want the poontang you have to go to match. that is where i get all the sexy model women who all are very happy with how i pleasure their bodies. if it wasn't for match and especially if it wasnt for me there would be a lot of disappointed and lonely women out there looking for a good dick

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Nice one

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Match is a joke, most of the people whom you get profiles of are not active members, then once you pay your screwed if they don't get to your call or response you get charged, I've heard they are in bed w/ PayPal, so that alone should go to show you some real truth. Anyone read screwpaypal.com lately, a good. & free read. I suggest, we outlaw & expose Match for whom they really are & that a bunch of scammers & they know it, you join and they say three days for free to try it out, but guess what they want you to give them your credit info & they will charge you & I can show proof of this at over 10 friends who called before the three days were up, you get put on hold, hung up on, or best one yet they will say I'm sorry I cannot hear you, your breaking up, Scammers!

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