Sex dating: the new way to date


Looking to fuck? For those wanting to get laid but also wanting to avoid all the hard work, welcome to the world of sex dating. With the internet constantly changing the way people date, it's now possible to join up to a free dating site with like minded people of both genders, and of all sexual orientations, who can't be bothered to go through the laborious tasks of wining and dining, listening to boring stories and then being sent home empty handed. You can now log on, find a free dating site and hook up in no time. Sex dating is straightforward, easy and honest, and one of the websites allowing this quick and pain-free type of hook up is


What is is one of the newer sites out there catering to the sex dating market. Like many others before (and indeed after) it, it promises no strings attached fun, and the chance to get laid with like minded users who want to skip the hard work involved with dating. The site is owned by Complete Dating, who run a number of similar and more traditional dating websites.


How Much Does It Cost, And How Do I Sign Up?

Premium access costs around $7.00 per week. With this, you get the chance to read unlimited private messages, hide the ads that are traditionally used for supporting a free dating site, and enter more search terms to get laid with a specific type of person. It must be remembered that any free dating site is going to be limited in what it offers; the users are there for something for which a premium can easily be charged, and the line of people waiting to pay it will never shorten.

The signing up process is subject to verification, which is obtained through a text sent to the user's mobile number. From there, users can update their profile and attempt to hook up with other users.


What does get right? is straightforward and makes no bones about its purpose; sex dating. It does not cater for someone looking for the traditional 'dinner date', or a long term, complicated relationship. It serves men and women who want to meet up and hook up, no strings attached. This means the user doesn't have to sift through pages and pages of profiles, looking for someone who might look like they put out.

The price charged for membership also means that members are there because they want to be. Nobody is going to pay over $15 a month and let their profile remain dormant; you're going to find people who log on regularly. This is one advantage to a paid sex dating or online dating website.


What could improve?

The membership fee does also present a negative point. Many men and women do want to get laid with no commitment, but don't want to pay for it. Many will opt instead for other free online dating websites and social networking pages. Membership, therefore, is always going to be smaller. But this could still have its advantage.

One of the more worrying aspects of is that it does not allow a free preview before signing up. Users have to input a phone number (and the site does not allow forwarding numbers) so that they can be verified and start browsing.

For this review, we were also very disappointing with the site's design. It is very bare; there are no real profiles on the main page, leaving anyone looking to sign up without any idea of the what the site and the people using it look like. Direct rivals have no problem teasing potential customers with racey shots of men and women in their underwear (or less!) to help create a feel for what lies ahead. Contacting the team that run the site is also a very vague process, with only an email address. There is no live chat nor phone numbers visible, severely limiting their professional image.

Lastly, there are no testimonials or success stories for potential or existing customers to browse. For all anyone knows, it could be the worst site behind those gates, with the option to get laid nothing more than an empty promise.


Our review: The Bottom Line promises much by virtue of its format; however, it has nothing to offer that cannot be found on any other paid or free dating site. On traditional, free online dating websites and social networks, users who can read between the lines can easily find someone else and get laid rather easily. Other sex dating websites have the whole process covered in a much more professional and cost effective way, and enjoy more success than this potentially shady outfit. A quick Google search will allow any horny adult to see the quality and readiness of the people they want to have fun with before they have to pay to contact them, and can only offer old, outdated stock photos of women who are clearly lingerie models, but are intended to appear as though they are the average user.

Their attempt to pounce on social media has not been successful, with their Twitter and Facebook pages being dormant save for a token post every few months with no replies.

For anyone new to sex dating, this is probably not the best place to start, and for hardened veterans, your current memberships will almost certainly serve you better with less cost. In time, this website may improve, but its more likely to disappear and join the hundreds of other failed attempts at an already flooded market.

See something we missed in this review? Don’t agree with us? Leave it in the comments.




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