With the advent of the internet, the whole world of online dating has changed dramatically. Where previously it was necessary to have to play nice in the hope of meeting a woman for dinner, and then risk going home empty handed, the opportunity to meet up and have a discreet affair, or just find a like minded singleton and fuck with no strings attached is right on every internet user's doorstep.But there are now a plethora of websites eager to cater to this audience, all promising no greater chance to fuck the partner of your dreams, embark on a steamy affair or just stick to the more traditional forms of online dating.


Finding a truly free site among the competition is always going to be hard for male customers; many will offer a free account to women in order to avoid being labelled the proverbial 'sausage fest', full of desperate men and no women to facilitate a fuck.This is where the free online dating site Get It On tries to buck the trend. However, trying is unfortunately as far as it gets successfully. From the moment the site is opened, the user is bombarded with a mix of pop up ads (thankfully blocked by most browsers) and misaligned frames, with text all over the screen and words crossing over. This doesn't do much to instill confidence in any reasonably tech savvy customer. The ability to browse potential members should be the cornerstone of any decent paid or free online dating site, in order to allow the member to decide if they wish to proceed. Thankfully, thumbnail images of members are plastered over the page. However, these are soon proven to be a ruse.

getiton review


What Get It On gets right:

Thankfully, the sign up process is a little easier and this is where Get It On offers something with more ease than the usual free site. The site does not ask for any credit card information outright, nor does it require address information, but won't give you access to any useful features without one. Still, to start out all the user needs to punch in is a list of sexual practices and tendencies that they either love or don't want to get involved with, put in a few personal details such as date of birth, gender and sexual orientation, and the online dating process has begun. This is truly a really useful tool for anyone who wants to meet and have an affair or a no frills fuck with someone into exactly the same practices as them.


What Get It On could improve:

Firstly, the site contains a disclaimer at the bottom of the page, advising that these are not necessarily the members that users can sign up and try to fuck. Secondly, the site claims that these women are near the user's location, meaning some location based online dating is a distinct possibility, or for the more casual man, a discreet affair can be had with a local woman. A quick check using a Libyan proxy address boasted that these same women were based in Tripoli. Knowing that these pictures are effectively a honeypot can be very off putting to men who will only spend a few minutes on one page before clicking on to the next free site that offers the same service.

UPDATE: One reader tells us that Get It On now only gives you access to messages and profiles if you give a credit card. As we've said, if you're like most of us and don't want to put down a credit card for an online dating site that should be free, there are plenty of great free sites out there to use instead.

getiton review

However, this process is a double edge sword. Knowing that you're leaving the house to fuck the man or woman you've been communicating with is never certain; what could be a hot woman in her 20's online could soon become an overweight middle aged beast who is looking for an affair as she is just plain unattractive. Worse still, online dating has been known to bring with it a plethora of safety issues; the site only uses email addresses to verify the user's identity, and this is practically begging to be misused. Nevertheless, Get It On does distance themselves from these dangers by providing a link (albeit in very small font) with advice on how to conduct online dating safely.


Get It On review: The bottom line

Overall, this is by far not the best free site out there; in principle, all of these websites are providing a great service by facilitating an affair or liaison with no strings attached, which in reality is why 99% of users log on to the more traditional dating websites. However, with a free site comes limitations and they are painfully obvious with Get It On; invasive banner advertising, poor construction of the main page and spurious profiles that do no represent the true database of people who have signed up. For a small investment, there are plenty of paid sites out there offering a much better and far less limiting service, and who will no doubt offer a free profile with caveats that still mean it is a better option than this potentially unsafe competitor. Venture Inc have been operating this site since 1999, which means that in all likelihood this site is not going to improve beyond what is on offer right now.




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They definitely don't pay us to do the reviews; all are written by independent writers. Besides, if you read the review you'll see that we didn't rate them very well. If we were paid we'd be doing a terrible job of promoting them! Thanks for the information—will update the review. Joy Kill

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I'm guessing they paid you to do this review? Either that or you didn't actually sign up for the website. It ABSOLUTELY asks for credit card information, and does not allow you to message any other members of or view their profile unless you do. Clicking on any other members takes you straight back to the credit card information page...

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