We just got our hands on some very juicy sex survey data from user polls at Poppen.de, one of the biggest dating websites in Germany. Some of the questions on the sex surveys got a bit lost in translation, but are still very interesting. Users were asked two questions: what role sex has in their life, and where they usually meet sex partners.

According to the polls 37.86% of people think that sex is the main role in their life. So much so that an Oscar is quite possibly on the cards. So if Frozen, The Great Gatsby or even Matthew McConaughey are having trouble finding a spot for their award, we know some people worthy of one. These results have raised a few eyebrows, a few boners and possible made some beds wet. But when in Germany… do as the Germans do. Not quite the saying, but let’s run with it.

And if that isn't enough, with some fabulous answers available to choose from, some 41% of women in this poll claim that sex takes the ‘diva’ role in their life, “desirable, and a bit bitchy.” I'm not entirely sure what that means, but at least now you know who to steer clear of, unless you’re into that kind of thing.

But what else is there in this cache of sex surveys? Well, some 36% of cross-dressers claim sex plays the ‘costume’ role, accompanied by the laughable “sexy lingerie at my strength faileth” tagline, just to make it sound even better. We all like to dress up and I for one would much prefer to go down on someone wearing a thong rather than Bridget Jones Spanx, but to each their own.

German Dating Website poppen.de

German Dating Website poppen.de


But where do these Oscar-worthy sexual gods and goddesses meet their lovers?

Well, you’re on it. Nearly 70% of single women meet their sexual partners online, choosing to hook up over the Internet rather than get hot and heavy at the gym or meet at a party or in the work place. Granted this is an online dating site, so the crowd is ground to be a little self-selected. Still, out goes the fantasy of fucking on your work desk and in come the notification emails. I guess it’s a lot easier to take a more flattering selfie for an online profile rather than be caught with a 5’o clock shadow in your local bar.

Now I’m not sure on what other German sex surveys are saying, but there, a tiny percentage of men admit to having had a gangbang (Yes, they asked that—can we get a textbook definition?) while for cross dressers that number goes up to 20%. Of course, in this pool of sweaty sexual experimentation, you’re always going to get some who claim one partner is enough for them. Surprisingly, 17% of those that said this were women. Their boyfriends were probably looking over their shoulder at the time, the kinky minxes.

In a nutshell, these saucy Germans are keen to experiment and definitely think sex has the same importance as Leonardo DiCaprio in the film world. They’re just as addicted to meeting people online as the rest of the world seem to be. They are probably the best Facebook stalkers out there pre-date, with 70% of women meeting their lovers online after all. Maybe they just have no fear of meeting up with someone who online looks like a 10 and the next morning is a 2.


Images by lysander07 and LesMediawith CC BY 2.0 license




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