Ahhh, squirting. Depending on what you know and who you are, you either believe it’s a fake thing porn stars do, it should be outlawed, or women are peeing all over themselves. Popcorn.dating asked Kayla Lords to gives us the 101 on the female ejaculation. What is it? How do you get yourself or your partner to squirt? Find out everything there is to know about the squirting! 


Do porn stars fake squirting? Yes.

Should the UK have banned it in porn? No.

Are women urinating? I don’t think so, and science is starting to figure that out, too.

Since plenty of people get squirting so wrong, let’s talk about what it really is and how it works.


Not Everyone Can Squirt

Let’s dispel a few myths. Yes, squirting - sometimes called female ejaculation - is real. But not every woman can do it. And that’s okay. Women shouldn’t be made to feel they have to gush like a geyser in an orgasm for any reason. At the same time, women who can squirt aren’t oddities, gross, or automatic porn stars.

Just because you squirt one time, doesn’t mean you will every time. A woman’s body is a unique, magical, and damn confusing place. Science still can’t explain much of our sexuality to us so don’t feel bad if you can’t understand it either..

Squirting orgasms vary from person to person and experience to experience. Sometimes you might flood your bed. Other times, it might trickle out of your body. Many times, it won’t happen at all. Whether you squirt or not isn’t an indication of your sexuality, your body, or your pleasure. All that matters is that you enjoy the moment.

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Is It Urine?

I’m fully in the #NotPee group. I’ve squirted many times. Like countless women before me, I’ve sniffed, looked, and yes, tasted to make sure I hadn’t just peed everywhere. Science seems to be coming to a similar conclusion. While the sample was small, it’s possible that scientists have found the female prostate and the source of squirting or female ejaculation. Another study looked at the components of the fluid and concluded it’s not the same as urine and may even have an antimicrobial purpose - as squirters seem to have lower rates of urinary tract infections (UTIs).

One small study was given plenty of publicity when it claimed - with a very limited test group - that squirting is indeed urine. Those of us who disagreed, and there were many, came together for the #NotPee campaign. As someone who didn’t have an orgasm for many years because of the sensation I get just before I squirt, I worried that others would be too ashamed to reach orgasm for the same reason.

Making Yourself Squirt

If you want to try to squirt for yourself or your partner, here are a few tips to try.

Hydrate! From personal experience, if I haven’t had a lot of water during the day, I’m less likely to squirt.

Pee before you get naked. Emptying your bladder will help you relax and worry a little less that you might urinate during your climax. Make yourself as relaxed and comfortable as possible. If I’m tense, it’s not going to happen.

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If you’ve never squirted, try g-spot stimulation first - assuming you enjoy those sensations. Use your fingers, your partner’s fingers or a toy to tap or pound away. If you get a feeling like you might need to pee, you’re getting close. G-spot stimulation doesn’t work for everyone. Personally, clitoral stimulation works best for me, the more intense, the better.

It might not happen in the first orgasm. Whether you’re easily multi-orgasmic or you’re willing to have patience, see what happens after the first climax. Don’t stop stimulating your body if it feels good and you think you might be close.

Toys like rabbits (with both a g-spot and clitoris stimulator) or powerful massagers like the Original Magic Wand might help. For me, the Magic Wand does the trick every time, but I’ve also tried a smaller vibrator with great success.

A small trickle still counts as squirting. You won’t always spray liquid everywhere like a porn star does. If you enjoy or want to try, heavier sensations - hard pounding on g-spots, forced orgasms from your clit, even pussy-spanking focusing on your clit - may help. Don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right, though.

If you squirt, congratulations! Make sure to drink plenty of water. I have become dehydrated after a heavy session with lots of squirting orgasms. If you didn’t squirt, congratulations anyway - to the orgasm, the sexual pleasure, and for trying something new.

Squirting isn’t something anyone should feel obligated to do or even try. But yes, it’s very real and definitely (in my non-scientific opinion) not pee!

If you're looking for something more structured, check out Squirting: It’s Easier than You Think by Raine Leigh or online courses like the Squirting Triggers Training Course from the School of Squirt.


Got your own squirting tips? What was it like the first time you experienced it? Let us know in the comments below!



Kayla Lords is a freelance writer, sex blogger, and a masochistic babygirl living the 24/7 D/s life. Follow her on her website or Twitter @Kaylalords.



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