Fucking in Nature: A guide to great outdoor sex

Ah, the great outdoors—or the great alleyway behind your favorite bar. There’s a thrill to outdoor sex regardless of setting, as there is always the potential of being seen or caught doing the naughty since you’re not in an enclosed or private space. You’re exposed, no matter how secluded your rendezvous is, and that’s hot.

There are a lot of considerations when it comes to outside sex: where you’ll do it, what you’ll wear, any toys or supplies you’ll bring, and you’ll need to consider how likely it is to get caught and what you’ll do if you are, and if there are any ramifications for your outside sex (maybe look into local indecency laws if you can before planning your outing). Or you can throw all caution and planning to the wind and just let it happen when it does—though I would mention that planning your outdoor sex can be great foreplay. Here are some suggestions from your humble writer:


fucking in nature - a guide to great outdoor sexSex in the woods:

Woods Sex can be either really good or really bad. No matter how secluded your spot it, park rangers or other wanderers might find you and get really mad, but there is something so worth it about getting fucked against a tree. Or is that just me? It’s best to become familiar with your outdoors if possible; private land is ideal but if you’re in parkland, get to know rules and hike the area a few times before getting down. Be familiar with things like poisonous plants, insects, snakes, or dangerous mammals that inhabit the area and be as aware of your surroundings as possible. If you live in an area where there are ticks, you should check for them before and after leaving.

Clothing: Wearing what you’d normally wear hiking—shorts or pants, good wool socks, hiking boots, and weather-appropriate garments is important, especially if you’re going far into the wilderness for this. You shouldn't get completely naked unless you have a secure, private area.

Supplies: If you want a modicum of privacy, a tent would be helpful, and if you’d like to be having your sex horizontally, something to lay down would be ideal. Sunscreen and bugspray are also pragmatic, and you should have your typical hiking gear especially if you’re going far into the woods—GPS (not your phone), map, water, foodstuffs, compass, etcetera. Anything fun you bring beyond this is up to you, but keep it light and small so you don’t get tired carrying it!



Sex on the beach:

Sex on The Beach is not only the name of a bad cocktail, but it can be equally as terrible if you don’t know what you’re doing. Sand getting in your junk is unpleasant, sometimes the water is too cold, and you absolutely shouldn't have any sort of intercourse on rocks, which are often jagged or covered in barnacles and which will cut you to ribbons. That said, there is something both romantic and challenging about good beach sex, and you can get away with wearing a lot less—or, depending on the beach, absolutely nothing—than in other outdoor locations. Scoping out these locations is also preferable, especially if the beach is not private or secluded.

This is another space where you should be aware of whether or not there are poisonous or dangerous animals around—Jellyfish season is definitely a no-go if you’re hoping to fuck in the water. Please don’t do this when there are a lot of kids around—choose early morning, late in the day, at night, or a secluded beach. That’s just a lawsuit waiting to happen, otherwise.

Clothing: Bathing suits are great, and can be easily moved aside or pulled down if you’re a femme wearing a two-piece. Body suits like those worn by surfers can be nigh impossible to remove or put back on with any sort of expedience, but if you’re on a nude beach or wearing a bathing suit underneath, it shouldn’t be an issue—and some of us do love the feeling of being encased in neoprene, so if that’s your kink, you’re in luck!

Supplies: Once again, definitely sunscreen—you can even get away with being sensual applying it to one another on most beaches. A Towel or beach blanket should suffice to keep sand out of your bits, and they look like normal beach supplies. A Beach umbrella might be a good way to create a little bit of privacy, or you can totally set up a tent on the beach. I've done it!



Sex in the city:

Urban Fuckery is probably the most difficult of the outdoor sex feats, but for those of you who don’t live near woods or beaches, it may be necessary. Or maybe you just enjoy a challenge. Finding a secluded urban spot—a niche tucked in an alleyway or behind a building—that is secluded enough for you not to be too likely to be caught is difficult. This is one that you should absolutely scope out unless you’re in your or a friend’s fenced in back patio or roofdeck. Determine how frequented a spot is, how clean, how secluded. Remember that if you get caught, especially by some sort of police, it may be presumed that one of the people involved is engaging in sex work and that you will likely be arrested if caught. You can avoid this with proper research into your location and right clothing. The actual act should be done standing up, from behind is likely the most convenient for easy access and least contact with those dirty urban surfaces. Extra points if you can find a friend to run lookout for you while you’re getting it on.

fucking in nature - a guide to great outdoor sexClothing: If you’re a femme, wearing a skirt with nothing under is a good way to go. Masculine folks can opt for a kilt if they’re feeling adventurous, but pants that are easy to pull down a little and have them stay there so you’re not exposed entirely, or pants that unzip/unbutton enough to get your junk out will be the best options. Exposing the smallest amount possible during the interaction is ideal if you’re someplace where you might get caught, so you can quickly cover up and go if you have to.

Supplies: Wet Wipes. So many wet wipes, in order to clean any grime or bacteria off yourself—if you touch any surfaces, you should absolutely clean yourself off, and you should clean off your hands before touching someone’s entertainment center regardless. Beyond that, something to put down if someone is getting on their knees to pad them and keep them from getting dirty would be good.

These are just a few examples of ways you can get it on in public spaces - there are absolutely more and more specific iterations of outdoors sex beyond those mentioned here - experiment, but really think things through and prepare, or what would otherwise be a really fun time could end up being a terrible experience.



Where are your favorite places for outdoor sex?

Caitlin is a writer, sex educator, consultant, and product reviewer who focuses primarily on issues of sex toy and accessory safety, pleasure, sexuality, gender, and more. You can learn more, or ask any questions, at their website- www.sex-ational.com.






© anyaberkut / Dollar Photo Club and Anthony Easton and Mitya Ku via Flickr with CC BY 2.0 licence




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