Drugs for sex and how to use them


Sex and drugs

Ever since the stone age, people have been using drugs and sex together. Coupled with the one constant of Rock and Roll, these two devils have been influencing human behaviour for quite some time. In this article we look at the impact of drugs on your sex life. A word of warning that you should always look at the legal, and medical, side of things when combining drugs and sex together.


photo by lostintheredwoods via Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license

Some drugs for sex, such as Viagra, which works on the capillary action of the body, can lead men to have firmer erections. Some people experience side effects when taking Viagra which can include palpitations and blurred vision. However, serious side effects are rare. Viagra can also lead to longer lasting erections. Viagra can be used to treat erectile dysfunction, and this is the main reason why it is prescribed. However, many men report stronger erections having taken Viagra.

The love drug

A new variety of drugs for sex, such as Bremelanotide and Melanotan II are thought to act as aphrodisiacs. There is still more testing to do on these drugs. However, they are believed to have an effect on both male and female sexual desire by acting on skin receptors. These drugs for sex cause a tingling feeling, which users claim is akin to that felt when sexually desiring someone. There are side effects of these drugs, including raising blood pressure.


Feel me


photo by Epsos via Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license

There are some illegal drugs for sex which are believed to have effects on sexual desire. MDMA, or Ecstasy, is believed to cause feelings of well being and a deep connection between individuals. This is because it acts on pleasure chemicals in the brain. This connection can lead to a very intense experience when making love. To a lesser extent, cocaine can have a similar effect, although there are reports that cocaine leads to sexual dysfunction.

Bad sex

Alcohol may lower inhibitions but it also inhibits erections in men, and leads to generally poorer quality sex as it reduces pleasurable sensations to the brain. Alcohol is a depressant.
Whichever drugs you choose to use, or if you go straight-edge and have sex without drugs, remember to keep it safe!




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