
Beginners Guide to Swinging | How to Find a Healthy Community

Swinging (aka partner swapping) has been around for ages, but how do you go about finding a healthy community? Fuck asked Sienna Saint-Cyr to share


12 Sex Toys You Can Make When You're Broke

Being poor and horny can be a drag if you're looking to spice things up with a sex toy. Your hand (or partner) is great, but sometimes you want to

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A Guide to Dirty Talk For Beginners

Whether you're gasping passionate endearments into a lover's ear in bed or murmuring salaciously to someone halfway across the world, dirty talk can



4 Ways to Give the Gift of Multiple Orgasms

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‘Tis the season for stressing out over what to buy, how much to spend, and what gift to give your partner. Is it too soon to buy him underwear? Would a new vacuum make her mad? Can you give your

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Women Dating Women: The Double Sided Dildo Misconception

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Do you enjoy penetration? It seems like a simple question, yet for women dating other women, this isn’t always easy to answer. Some don’t want penetration, others do, but what they want inside them

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Can Sex Therapy and Surrogates Make Fucking Better?

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Therapy has been around many years, and while more modern studies date back to the late 1800’s, even the ancient Greeks understood the value of talk and sex therapy. Over the years, our understanding

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Paraphilia & 21st-Century Sex Hysteria

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I recently wrote a piece about so-called “Unusual Sexual Fantasies”, and how a recent study has found that to be a remarkably unhelpful phrase. The fact remains, however, that doctors and mental

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Happy Hypersexual Halloween

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The magically spooky time of Halloween is coming up soon.  Halloween is when people can explore their creative side with some clever costumes, their down-to-earth side if they don’t have a costume,

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Fucking Ask First: 5 Tips for a Happy Halloween

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Halloween and sexy costumes go together like Harley Quinn and the Joker, like apples and oranges,  like condoms and safe sex. But there are a few things a lot of people seem to forget about anonymity

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9 Million Reasons Mutual Masturbation is Awesome

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Okay so maybe we don't have exactly nine million reasons, but you get the fucking point. Masturbation is joy, but what of mutual masturbation? Some might cringe and think, “That’s supposed to be

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5 of the Best Fucking Oral Sex Tips You Need to Know

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Google “oral sex tips.” Go ahead, I’ll wait. Did you get 2.5 million results in 0.46 seconds, too? It’s safe to say that a lot of us think of oral sex and how to do it better.
If you’re here,

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Why Everyone Needs at Least ONE Sex Toy

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When you think of sex toy does your mind immediately picture a dildo or a vibrator? Those are great toys (as I plug another one into to charge), but there are so many more sex toys out there to try.

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5 Books About Sex You Need to Read

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Do a quick Google search for “books about sex.” Go ahead, I’ll wait. There’s what...a bajillion? Maybe a gazillion? No matter your flavor of sex or the question you have about sex, someone has

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Orgasmic meditation is taking London by storm

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Summer’s heating things up in London - and these sex-positive happenings are only bringing the temperature up higher. From orgasmic meditation classes to immersive experiences, see what London

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The 5 Best Sex Videos: Give a Fuck About Fucking

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The best sex videos are not the ones with giant dicks and impossible feats of porndom. They are the ones that show you where the fuck the clit is and what to do with it. Or answer any other

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Trouble with oral sex: Check your levels

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Receiving oral sex can be fantastic, but for many women it can end with a painful yeast infection. I know this is a taboo subject that people dislike talking about, yet it’s an issue for a lot

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Dildo Or Dildon’t #6: The Feeldoe

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This one will be short, but I feel like it’s important - time to talk about one of my favourite sex toys of all time... The

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When men want more - exploring sexuality

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Exploring sexuality can be a scary thing, especially for men. Asking for things labeled as 'homosexual' is difficult. Listening and acceptance are key. 
Are you a

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Will we still fuck when we’re old?

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Maybe you’re like me and in your 30s having great sex, some of the best of your life. It’s hard to imagine it will ever end. But if you believe, as many do, that once you hit a certain age,

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10 myths about lesbian sex

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As a lesbian in a large group of friends I get asked all sorts when it comes to climbing into bed with someone. We’ve all been asked ‘how do lesbians have sex?’ at some point, haven’t we?  So,

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Hooking up while travelling

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One of the great many perks of going away on holiday is the increased chances of hooking up. Getting away from your usual circles, meeting new people (most of whom you will never meet again in your

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5 essential Car Sex Tips

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The sexiness of car sex

The science fiction novel “Crash” explores a world of car sex in which people find car crashes to be incredibly erotic. We have

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Open relationships: Fucking for fun

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Open relationship vs Perverse monogamy?

An open relationship can be very liberating for many of us. Although most people consider that they are happiest

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11 good reasons to have sex - Health benefits you should know

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Ever wondered how the ecstasy and emotional rush of sex could be a boon to your health? It's true. Beyond the undeniable allure of intimacy, the health benefits of sex extend to various facets of our

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Exploring the World of Masturbators: Types, Functions, and Pleasure

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Masturbation, a natural and common human activity, has been a part of human sexuality throughout history. As societal attitudes towards sexual wellness continue to evolve, so does the variety of

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Having sex with a sex doll

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Advertising - It perhaps won’t surprise you to hear that one of the most common questions that we’re asked is what having sex with a sex doll is really like. Sure, you may have read that you’re

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How Body Positivity Can Improve Your Sex Life

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Whether you're big or small, heavy or thin, celebrate your body for how it is! Popcorn.dating asked our very own Abi Brown to share her thoughts on fat sex, feminism and body

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How Much Do Condoms Protect You From?

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As Condom Week wraps up, resident Popcorn.dating writer Sienna Saint-Cyr leaves you with a little latex for thought about condom effectiveness.

Here's a tricky question, how much do

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