Sex should be one of the most enjoyable and fun things in our lives. However, sometimes we worry ourselves silly about things and stop ourselves from really enjoying it. Some of the most common things women worry about while having sex are…


1. Body image

“I’m too fat/thin, I have cellulite/too big boobs/too small boobs… “and so on. It’s all about the body image and way too often we women don’t have faith in our beauty. You think the guy will not find you desirable enough since you don’t look like those photoshopped models you see everywhere. However, you will be a lot more desirable a lover if you just forget about that cellulite and go with the feeling, enjoy yourself in bed. The truth is that if the guy wants to shag you, he finds you desirable. Maybe you don’t look like Angelina Jolie but he probably doesn’t look like Brad Pitt either, am I right?


2. Saying what you want

“He does something I don’t enjoy.” Everybody is different and it’s safe to say everyone has their own preferences in bed. Maybe the guy’s ex-girlfriend loved it when he shoved his finger up her ass and he assumes you like it as well. If you don’t, you need to tell him. He is no mind-reader and most likely his goal is to give you pleasure. If he is doing anything you don’t find pleasurable and enjoyable, it’s good to be honest (while discreet) and tell him you would much prefer if he did what-ever-it-is-that-you-like instead. This will help both of you to fulfil each other sexually.



3. Orgasm-phobia


I'm ashamed to have an orgasm.” This may seem strange to those for whom coming is as natural as breathing but not everybody is really in touch with their sexuality. Despite all the information and resources on sex available these days, some are still uninformed about how to make themselves come, what is natural to feel while having sex and how to express pleasure. Moaning, screaming or uncontrollable movements will not make the guy think you are crazy. It will rather excite him as for most guys the biggest motivator is to make the woman enjoy herself. Any expression of joy is ok, whether you come sighing, screaming or shaking – he will enjoy seeing it, hearing it and feeling it.


4. Love your body. All of it


I don’t smell good down there.” Many women fear that the scent of their privates might put the guy off. It’s true that the sense of smell is as important as the other senses when it comes to sex – the scientists say we still choose our partners by our nose. However, as long as you keep yourself clean and take care of normal hygiene, there is nothing to worry about. It’s just what happens when you are getting turned on – you get wet and your scent intensifies. The guy will love it though as it turns him on even more. Embrace each other with all your senses!


5. What society thinks

“I don’t want him to think I’m slutty.” Really, even in this day and age women sometimes think the man will not respect them if they act “slutty” (read: passionate in bed). As if lying in bed like a dead fish, doing the absolute minimum, will make the guy think of you as a lady rather than a whore. It will most likely make him think of you as the most boring woman he ever bedded. Men like you to participate, to enjoy what you two are doing together, to show passion and desire. It doesn’t make him think any less of you – quite the opposite.

If you are concerned about any of these issues while having sex, remember it’s mainly up to you to solve them through raising your self-confidence as well as your knowledge about yourself and your sexuality. Sex is one of the biggest joys in life, don’t waste time with unnecessary worrying.



© beeboys / Dollar Photo Club und djtaylor / Dollar Photo Club




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