Start the new year out by experimenting with new things. And what's better than learning how to cum better? Well, not much. The art of tantric orgasm is old, like really fucking old. Check out what our writer Sienna Saint-Cyr has to say about it.


Tantric Orgasm 101

Tantra has been around for several thousand years, though the exact historical timeline is still murky. While there are two main origins—Buddhist and Hindu—it’s the Hindu practice that is more commonly recognized nowadays. Many yoga instructors incorporate Tantra into their practices and for good reason.

But what is Tantra and how does it relate to orgasm?

History tells us that Tantra is about awakening our kundalini, the snake-like serpent of energy that lies at the base of our spine. It is said that when we awaken this serpent, this energy of creation reaches up through our seven chakras and brings us peace. While I love the history behind Tantra, I find that grounding myself in what I can see and feel is far more important to understanding this process. Tantra is about being fully present and in the moment. It’s about feeling everything around me, and how it affects me. It’s being that present and fully open and aware that brings me to what I call a tantric orgasm.




For me, Tantra has always been about understanding that duality doesn’t exist. Opposites are the divide we make in our minds. And when there is someone doing something horrible to me, the last thing I want to think is that the divide between us is an illusion. Yet when I’m in a pure tantric state of bliss, the people that hurt me in my past or even present, no longer affect me. It’s in this way that I feel these opposites become an illusion. Which means the divide between pain and pleasure, hot and cold, light and dark, all melt into one… Into pure existence and bliss.

When I’m fully present and embodied every breath in builds orgasm and every breath out releases one. It’s a constant state of pleasure that isn’t anything at all like a physical body orgasm. This spans my entire body and allows me to feel everything around me at the same time. Whether people want to call it Tantra, deep meditation, or even woo-woo magic, what it really is about is being present. Focused on each breath, on where the breath catches in your body and if it does, then releasing whatever is stuck with your out breath.

When you can breath all the way down to the most bottom portion of your core, you will awaken this feeling inside you.

I love Tantra. I’ve been studying it for about fifteen years now. But it wasn’t until these last couple of years that I began understanding and embracing what it means to come as I walk down the street, shop for groceries, pay bills, and so on. While it might seem strange to want to come while I walk, or while I wait on hold for an annoyingly long time, this kind of light orgasm keeps me calm and makes everything enjoyable. It’s not distracting or loud because it’s not like the peak of orgasm, but instead, the moment of complete calm afterwards. But rather than fade, the feeling stays for as long as you allow it to.

Tantra creates orgasms that last for hours.

That can happen without any sort of physical stimulation… And for sex fiends like me, this is fantastic! But the true beauty of Tantra is that while it feels like a wonderful and lengthy orgasm, full of delicious coming, what it really is, is the purest breath one can breathe.

If you’re interested in trying Tantra, the simplest place to begin is with a yoga instructor that incorporates this practice into their classes. While jumping straight into the sexual side of Tantra might be the most fun, begin with the basics:

  • breath
  • focus
  • an understanding of your body


This will lead you into a tantric orgasm practice that is sure to change the way you feel pleasure for good.


Sienna Saint-Cyr writes erotica and blogs about kink, poly, body image, and most things relating. Follow her on her website or on Twitter @siennasaintcyr.



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