1. You know what to expect

You’ve been there before, you know what they like and they know what you’re into. There’s no chance of you freaking out when they tell you about their weird fantasy they’d like you to fulfil. We tend to enjoy sex more with someone we are comfortable with, so there’s no real chance of a bad surprise or the feeling you’re never, ever going to make them come. In this case guys you’ll know if fucking them up the ass is on the cards or not.


2. It’s a bit of an ego boost

If you doubted your sexual ability before then you needn't worry, because if they've come running back or have accepted your flirty banter, you know you’re at least the best sex they've got right now. Yeah, they might run off when they get a new partner, but you’ll leave safe in the knowledge that they came to you for a fucking amazing orgasm you know you can give.


3. You can leave and not have to call them again

8 reasons to fuck your ex


You’ve both agreed that the relationship didn’t work, but you’ve left wishing your sex life still remained. Well, it can, and then you can grab your shoes (and the rest of your clothes) and head out the door without worrying what else they’re getting up to after you. There’s no pressure to text them later on that evening or to even make it a regular thing, just go with the flow.


4. All the serious matters go out the window

Having sex with an ex and remaining single means the only conversation you’ll be having is along the lines of ‘I want to fuck you’ rather than all the mundane stress of the every day. Leave the hassle of bills and rent and who left the washing up on the side at home and concentrate on coming all over their brand new bed sheets rather than who’s going to change them.


5. It can work as a form of closure

A little less orgasm orientated, but nevertheless helpful to keep you sane. Whether it was a mutual decision or a messy break up, going back for a quick shag can help you to leave with a happy memory of the sex you enjoyed together and leave the bitter tastes of your break up long behind so you can move on.


6. You can practice some new moves

While you know what they like, you’ll also know how much you can experiment together. So why not try out those new moves you’ve read about (or most likely seen) online and prepare yourself to blow the socks off the next person you sleep with? Make the mistakes with ex sex and you needn’t worry if that position you’ve been considering trying really does work.


7. You don’t have to worry about what you look like in the morning

They’ve seen it all before, so it doesn’t matter if you turn up at 3am begging for a fuck half drunk because when your head is banging in the morning and you look like death it won’t come as any surprise for them. It’s comfortable and convenient, so why not delve in and enjoy sex like you used to.


8. There’s a greater chance of a threesome

8 reasons to fuck your ex


If you’ve ever been tempted to bring a third party into your sex life but are worried it’ll wreck your relationship, worry no more. Here you have the best of both worlds, a quick fuck with your ex and that hot blonde you met last week, all in one place. Without any chance of ending up with and problems because your girlfriend got jealous.



© Photographee.eu / Dollar Photo Club and blackday / Dollar Photo Club and detailblick-foto / Dollar Photo Club




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