The best sex videos are not the ones with giant dicks and impossible feats of porndom. They are the ones that show you where the fuck the clit is and what to do with it. Or answer any other question you're too afraid to ask.. well anyone. We've made a list of some of the best videos out there in internet land. Learn and fuck happy!




I hope no one got their hopes up over the title and now expects a bunch of porn. If you’re on the internet, reading an article on this site, you already know how to find porn. No, today, let’s talk about how discussions about sex are going more and more mainstream.

Is it because the Millennials are slowly taking over (says the Gen X-er)? Is it because more of us have an IDGAF attitude about sex and how we’re being perceived? Hell, it could be that enough of us have finally figured out that sex needs to be talked about in more of an educational way if the majority of us are ever going to have healthy sex.

I don’t have any answers, but I’m glad to see the growing library of videos designed to educate people about sex in a new way. Take a look at some of the best videos about sex - and yes, I even threw a little kinky education into the mix.


Best Sex Video #1: Tea and Consent

Not everyone loved this video when it came out because our attitudes about sex are more nuanced than our feelings about tea. I’m a believer in using a variety of methods to get a message across. While this is an imperfect explanation, it’s a start.



If you’d like a more complete explanation, here’s a good explanation of consent from an actual sex educator, no tea involved.


Best Sex Video #2: Finger Her Right

The female body is a mysterious thing, especially to the millions of people who don’t give much thought to their sexuality outside of yes, sex is good or no, I’m not fucking you. Because so few women orgasm from vaginal penetration, this video about how to finger a woman is a good start if your woman isn’t orgasming during sex. If you’re unsure of where the clit is or what to do with it when you find it, you need to watch this video. (I don’t love that women are represented by grapes and MILFS are raisins, but the rest is well done.)



They share some good tips, but remember that every woman is different, and it’s okay to experiment to find what works or simply ask her what she likes. My preference is to masturbate together and watch how she touches herself. It’s sexy and educational.


Best Sex Video #3: Sex Toys are Good

When you think of sex toys, you probably think of vibrators and dildos, toys primarily for anyone with a vagina. The world has changed, and male sex toys, like Fleshlights and other male masturbators are totally a thing. Thanks to Buzzfeed for letting us peek into the experience of women and men trying sex toys for the first time.


For the ladies…


And for the guys (the reactions of some of these guys are hilarious!)...


Best Sex Video #4: Porn Sex vs. Real Sex

We’ve all met at least one person who used their porn stash as inspiration for their real life sexy moves. Unfortunately, that’s rarely a good thing. Plenty of people think that what they see in a movie is what is supposed to happen in real life. Thankfully, someone used food and a simple explanation to prove how wrong that is.



Best Sex Video #5: Let’s Talk Kink


Whether you’re into BDSM and have multiple fetishes or you’re simply curious about a little bit of kinky sex, there are some good videos out there that talk about kink in a way that’s relatable, not meant to shock, and shares good information. The Think Tank’s conversation about the study that showed kinky people tend to have better mental health is worth watching (in case you wondered if there was anything “wrong” with you for liking what you do).

If you’re curious about the BDSM lifestyle, I highly recommend this video of an interview with a woman in a 24/7 Master/slave relationship - no, it’s probably not what you expect. Are these the only videos we need to ensure the next generation doesn’t grow up falsely believing they’re going to hell for masturbating? Will these videos make sure everyone has perfect sex? Of course not. That’s too much to ask of a few five minute videos.

These videos do a few things - educate some in a quick, fun way; allow a conversation to take place that might have happened otherwise; and take some of the shame factor out of sexual pleasure. It doesn’t fix everything that’s wrong with how we perceive sex, but it’s a good start.


Kayla Lords is a freelance writer, sex blogger, and a masochistic babygirl living the 24/7 D/s life. Follow her on her website or on Twitter @Kaylalords.



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