Since we’re at the spookiest time of the year, it’s worth remembering the aphrodisiac qualities of a good scare. asked Madame Z why watching horror movies can be such a turn on, and which ones you should (and shouldn't!) view if you wanna make things truly exciting.

Plenty of us will have memories of going on the ghost train at the fair with someone we fancied in the hope of it leading to at least a good snog afterwards. I also know I’m not the only one whose preference for horror films as a first-date choice is down it being a perfect excuse to dive into your companion’s lap or cling to them in partly-simulated terror.

It’s not unheard of for film companies to combine the two: there have been quite a few adult horror movies released. I remember thoroughly enjoying one called From Dusk Till Porn, which not only featured sexy vampires but was filmed at Gossips in Dean St, a goth club that I personally associated with many excellent erotic encounters. Other horror sex movies that come to mind have involved sexy zombies – Pornhub has an entire category dedicated to the concept, and yes, there is, apparently, a porn version of The Walking Dead.

Horror Porn and Torture Porn

It's probably worth making the distinction between horror porn and what the press like to label as torture porn. Horror porn is explicitly sexy films with various creepy trappings such as haunted houses, undead action or hot demons, whereas torture porn (Saw, Hostel etc.) possibly goes too far regarding gross-outs to get most people feeling frisky. You don’t want your date puking with fright, after all.

Quite a lot of (relatively) mainstream horror films have hot and throbbing erotic undercurrents, all the same, even if they are not all that explicit. In the early days of horror tales, both written and filmed, there were elements of taboo-breaking that could provide the bolder viewer with plenty of naughty thrills, especially if the hot horror movie featured vampires. 

While not quite horror sex movies, a lot of the more generic films of the 70s and 80s were also very keen on scenes of young women either in their undies or pretty much naked, to the extent that it almost became a trope (she who undresses gets eaten by monsters). There is also a longstanding tendency for sexy female vampires to display a lot of cleavage – and quite often show up in corsets or high-heeled boots as well.

So, if you’re planning a date night at home and fancy snuggling up for either sexy scares or scares that might lead to some serious snuggling afterwards, here are a few recommendations.

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Get your pulse racing in the right sort of way

Hot Horror Movies

These are the ones where there is some genuine kinky heat on screen along with the adrenaline rush you’re looking for:

Razor Blade Smile – OK, ridiculous plot and some awful acting, but some very sexy fetish wear.

Underworld and its sequels - An awful lot of skin-tight leather on show.

The Lost Boys – To be fair, this probably only really does it for women over 40, as the hairstyles and soundtrack haven’t stood the test of time. But for us ladies of a certain age, it definitely has a certain magic.

Interview with the Vampire – Works if you like your horror glamorously decadent and not too gross.

There are also a fair few niche, arty vampire films; a lot of the work of French director Jean Rollin features lady vamps doing naughty things: movies like these are great if you want to persuade your partner that you are the more sophisticated type of deviant.

Straightforward Scares

Pretty much anything that makes you jump and shriek and clutch at your partner is likely to get your pulse racing in the right sort of way. Jeepers Creepers, The Conjuring, the Final Destination series, any of the Evil Dead films – all of these contain scary moments, building tension that will make you grab each other’s hands. Neither of these films tends to have plots so convoluted that you need to concentrate on the screen if those hands start wandering in exciting directions. 

There are also a few horror films that probably won’t put you in the mood for any lusty action later on. The Blair Witch Project, for example, is not only overrated but the shaky camerawork that was such a prominent feature was reported to cause motion sickness in a fair percentage of viewers: nausea is not at all conducive to naughtiness.

It's also better to stay away from the stuff that depends on hardcore gross-outs, too, as well as anything that has such a bleak, nihilistic ending that you and your date will spend the rest of the evening moaning at each other that the whole world is fucked and there is no hope of happiness. Though, depending on how well you know each other, you might risk something like that because it could inspire you to a truly massive cheer-up fuck.


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