Open relationship vs Perverse monogamy?

An open relationship can be very liberating for many of us. Although most people consider that they are happiest in a relationship where they have made a promise to a partner not to cheat, or even perhaps to flirt, with another person, such things are not realistic. The world of the happy husband and wife, or boyfriend and girlfriend, who only have eyes for each other, is as much a fantasy as is your top shelf pornographic magazine. In fact, monogamy itself is quite a perversion, when you think about it. It involves many of the forms of control and dominance which would be found in a BDSM relationship. It can involve chastity, in terms of only being able to have sex with that one partner when they are around, making ritual vows to each other and even kinky dresses (a wedding dress can be a fetish object for some people). In order to get around the terrible perversion of monogamy, many of us have decided to pursue open relationships.

In essence, an open relationship means that each partner is free to see other people outside of the relationship whilst still maintaining the integrity of the core relationship. My girlfriend Ruth and I, for example, love each other very much but we also know that we have very greedy genitals; very kinky imaginations and that we can’t go very long apart from each other without some other person’s private parts coming into contact with our own.

However, one thing that you might not have considered about open relationships is that sex with other people sometimes gets to be boring. Once you have had sex with people of all different body types, sexualities and with many kinds of fetishes, things can get a little dull. Because of that we sometimes play a few games to keep our open relationship not only fun, but also competitive, and in that way we are able to recount our stories of our conquests (and failures) with a new sense of energy.

There are three games that we play, although we are constantly on the look out for more. In the section below I explain what these games are, with examples from our real life encounters.

Sports fucking

Sports fucking sounds as though it should be an Olympic event, and it could be, as it involves fucking which is intensely physical. Ruth had been trying to get herself in shape and decided that she wanted to try and combine some exercise with some nice orgasms for herself. She had been going to a gym where the fitness instructor was a nice guy, very fit, but who really did not have a clue when it came to all of the good looking women who were at the gym on most of the days of the week.

Ruth decided that she was going to test one instructor, Aaron, and try and engage him in some sport fucking to challenge me. She dressed up in a tight black leotard with grey tights and ballet shoes and messed her hair up, tying it with a head-band. With her blonde hair dirtily hanging in front of her eyes, she looked incredibly horny. That day at the gym, she decided that she was going to make a play for Aaron. She used every opportunity that she could to slide up next to him. At the water fountain, she slid her body around his, feeling his hard cock through his gym pants, as she bent down to get some water. Aaron did not take the bait, and Ruth decided that she needed to warm him up a little. She explained to him that she did not get the hang of a particular exercise, and wanted Aaron to show her how to bend to touch her toes. In a separate room, off the main gym, Ruth ground her bottom into Aaron’s crotch as he stood behind her to instruct her in the proper technique. Feeling incredibly horny and frustrated herself, Ruth made a grab for Aaron’s cock and he eventually understood what was happening.

The sex that they had was passionate and in every position imaginable. Ruth first lifted her legs high over her shoulders as Aaron thrust hard inside her, then flipping her over to enter her hard from behind. Ruth eventually came standing up as Aaron smacked his cock into her with ferocious thrusts.

Of course, you do not have to have sex in the gym for it to count as sports fucking, but Ruth got an extra point for her efforts in this respect.


Another way of keeping open relationships fun is to try to act as a collector, and try to tick every box for a certain category of fetish, person or scenario. One of the things that Ruth and I are keen on is uniforms. Ruth gets extremely hot when she sees someone in a police, or fire, uniform and I very much enjoy any woman dressed as a nurse, or in formal attire. It was whilst I was staying at a hotel on business that I had a chance to add another uniform onto my list, although it wasn’t one that I was necessarily expecting.

I very much thought that I would want to add a waitress to my list of uniformed personnel. Ruth had fucked a waiter, so I thought that this would even the score a little. A cute Italian waitress at the hotel restaurant had been flirting with me. She had her smooth black hair in a sexy bun on her head and her olive skin looked gorgeous in her tight black dress and heels. Whilst she was pouring wine, I touched her hand gently to indicate that she had poured enough, and I felt like there was something between us. However, at the end of the night she was gone, and I had no chance to make my move.

On the way back to my room, in the lift, I was standing beside a very striking and tall air hostess. She must have been working for one of the Middle Eastern airlines, but did not wear a veil, and her eyes were rimmed with kohl, giving them an intense and sexual appearance. I did not think that she would be interested in me, she looked tired, but I asked her if she had time for a coffee as I needed waking up. This soon sparked her interest, and she willingly came to my room. As we sipped coffee and talked, I suddenly felt her foot move to my crotch below the table and I knew then it was very much on. She did not want sex, but had a real foot fetish and I spent a very good evening massaging her feet and she gave me an intense foot job. One point for me and Ruth still has to score an air steward (or stewardess!).

Orgasm addict

Another game that we enjoy playing is to collect orgasms and see how many we can have in one day. It is not as easy as it seems, as in an open relationship it is sometimes difficult to find a partner who is willing to spend the time with you to give you orgasm after orgasm. However, Ruth did find a way that I still consider cheating in terms of using a mechanical aid.

As Ruth exercises often, she sometimes has to go to a massage therapy centre for a back, or full body massage. One day she had a new, female, therapist who she had never seen before. The therapist was tall and thin, with fine red hair and bright lipstick. She also had rather a haughty manner about her and Ruth felt quite intimidated by her. At one point in the massage, the therapist used a vibrating massager and Ruth found the experience incredibly stimulating. As the therapist moved the massager down her back, towards the base of her spine, Ruth thrust her hips against the massage couch, feeling herself get wet against the leather of the massage table. The therapist made a slight laugh to herself and then moved the massager lower, below the towel and on to Ruth’s buttocks. Ruth now was dripping wet, embarrassingly so, and she rocked from side to side, moaning slightly. She asked the therapist if she could turn over.

At this point, the therapist turned the massager off, and Ruth thought that she had made a huge mistake and she would be expelled from the salon. However, the therapist explained that if Ruth wanted something she would have to ask for it, clearly and politely. Ruth timidly explained that she would like to be massaged on her genitals. The therapist grinned and insisted that Ruth called her Mistress. Once Ruth had demurely done this, the therapist resumed the massaging, concentrating the vibrations on Ruth’s clitoris until she came loudly. Ruth was then forced to orgasm over and over again by the new massage therapist. She later told me that after every orgasm she silently added another number to her score. It was a total of twenty five orgasms that day for Ruth, a record even for her.


Open should mean fun!

Ruth and I see the point of having an open relationship should be to have fun. If you do not make it an enjoyable experience then you may as well go back to perverse monogamy, and that is something neither of us wish to do again!




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Well you don't need to stress because if you weren't pleasing here well she would have already been hooking up on the side women need and must be satisfied and we'll.

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I like openrelationship : am just scared for d other guy not to go and be better than me in bed, wot if my girl fall in love wit d partner?

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I would enjoy some more expererienced lovers here.

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