Shopping for sex toys is for some women like shopping for shoes. One purchase is never enough and the variety of sex toys is very important. Like shoes, a woman can never have enough vibrators. However, quantity is not everything and we all need to think about the finer things in life. Like fashionable items, there is always one sex toy that we think is the best in our collection. In this guide we review four of the must have sex toys for men and women. With each review we give the personal experience of one very satisfied user.

Milking time: Venus for Men

The Venus for Men is the ultimate personal masturbation aid. The Venus sex toy looks like a long plastic tube which has a soft inner sleeve into which the penis is inserted. Once the penis is inside then the machine can be turned on with various intensities to give stroking and pumping motions. The Venus can be set to give a slow or fast level of stroking to give an intense sensation. One of the Venus’s happy users is Joe, whose girlfriend Claire particularly enjoys seeing him receive a mechanical orgasm. They use the Venus to play one of their favourite games: alien milking.

In this game, Claire plays the role of a Barbarella type alien woman who has come to earth to acquire male semen. She dresses in silver, PVC, catsuit and plaits her hair with a silver ribbon. She ties Joe to a leather massage table with leather straps and then uses the Venus to extract his cum. Both Claire and Joe state that they are very happy with how the Venus works. Claire can use it to bring Joe close to orgasm, playing with the intensity of the Venus to bring him closer and closer to orgasm, building up the pleasure over the course of a couple of hours until he ejaculates explosively into the sleeve of the machine.


A life in chastity: the CB-3000

The CB-3000 is a plastic chastity device for men. It fits around the cock and balls using an ingenious series of loops. Once fitted, the sex toy fits snugly around the genitals and although it is possible to get a partial erection, for most men getting a full erection is impossible. It is not possible for a man to play with his penis once in the CB-3000 making masturbation by hand impracticable. The CB-3000 allows the man to urinate, although care must be taken when doing so. The CB-3000 is secured by a padlock and the key-holder, who is usually the person’s partner must take care to make sure that they know where the key is at all times. Although the CB-3000 is plastic, it does contain a metal padlock, so it could be very embarrassing if it should set off an airport security alarm.

Michael is one user of the CB-3000 sex toy who finds that, with his partner Laura, they can enact some pleasurable scenarios with the toy. Laura enjoys holding the key to Michael’s CB-30000 which she keeps in her purse. Once a week, if Michael has been good, Laura will let him out of the CB-3000 for his weekly milking session. However, this is not always to Michael’s liking. What she will sometimes do is give Michael a few strokes on his aching cock after he has been released from the device only to put it back on again. At other times she will set him a challenge like only giving him sixty seconds out of the cage to play with himself. Frustratingly, Michael sometimes finds that as hard as he tries he can not come in that time. Increasingly Laura enjoys applying a vibrator to the CB-3000 to tease Michael until he begs her for release.


The hard and heavy sex toy: the Hitachi wand

The Hitachi wand is the Hummer of vibrators. Like the muscle car, the Hitachi is a big, heavy and powerful sex toy. The mains powered device has a large rubber head that can deliver vibrations at a rapid intensity of between 5000 and 6000 rpm. The sex toy is frequently seen in pornographic films due to its ability to allow a woman to achieve quick and intense orgasms.

Lucy is a great advocate of the magic wand sex toy. She has very large breasts, big hips and an eager pussy which needs intense stimulation. Lucy particularly likes using the magic wand when she is riding the cock of her partner. By using the wand she can give her clitoris the brutal and constant stimulation that she needs to bring her to the edge of orgasm, and beyond. She particularly enjoys using this sex toy to tease the balls of the man she is fucking which also gives them a very intense ejaculation. For both men and women, the Hitachi wand is a must have device.


G-spot heaven: the liberator heart wedge



It can be very frustrating as a woman to get into exactly the right position for sex so that a man can stimulate your G-spot whilst pushing his hot and hard cock inside of you. Many women have to resort to a tried and tested combination of pillows or cushions to get into exactly the right position. Some women have given up on the missionary position completely as they find that they get little pleasure from it. Thanks to the liberator heart wedge, a shaped and formed sex toy, there is no need to use such cushions or to give up on being on your back. Using the liberator sex toy, you can prop up your bottom from behind during sex in the missionary position.

Donna says that the liberator heart wedge sex toy has revolutionised her sex life. She really enjoys being wide open and exposed when it comes to being fucked and finds that the missionary position is her favourite in terms of her exhibitionist nature, but doesn’t quite do it for her in terms of stimulation of her clitoris and G-spot. When Donna is resting on the liberator, she finds that the raised position means that the shaft of her boyfriend’s cock presses hard against her clit whilst her G-spot is stimulated by increased rubbing and pressure. This soon leads to a great orgasm for her in her favourite position.



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I am from china i I agree that exist in the society of homosexuality, he should not be discriminated against

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