Do you make time for sex? It may seem like a silly question, but this becomes an issue for many couples as they transition from the honeymoon phase of the relationship into the daily routine of life. If you’re finding it hard to make time for sex, here are some suggestions.




How do you make time for sex?


1. Set aside a date night


Life is busy. That’s the nature of our existence. I’ve found that setting up a date night ahead of time helps by getting me into the proper headspace of making time to be with my partner. Once the date night is set, it becomes easier to schedule other things around that evening. Part of date night is also the follow through afterward. When I’m planning a date, I keep in mind the end goal… to have sex after!


2. Don’t wait until bedtime


This is an area that becomes harder as we take on more responsibility in life. Whether it’s work, family, the gym; we tend to have a lot to do. Sex is vital to our health as individuals and as couples. If we make sex our last priority of the evening, it’s not likely to happen. This might be harder when you have children, but there are ways around that. Like before they get home or after they’ve been dropped at school.


3. Have a quickie


I know, just the use of the word “quickie” makes it sound less desirable. Yet when your day is jam-packed, taking ten minutes to have a quickie is helpful and fun. It breaks up the day of monotonous tasks and inserts some enjoyment! Quickies don’t mean that you’re fulfilling some ‘duty’, they mean playtime—midday—right smack in the middle of everything else. They mean, “I’m making time for us even amongst my hectic schedule.”


4. Fuck in the shower


Shower sex is often overlooked, but there are many benefits to fucking in the shower. For one, if you have kids, you can simply say you’re sharing water! It’s conservation. Second, it’s time when you can both be together without any other task needing completion. You’d be showering anyway and can’t do much but clean in that moment. Third, you can clean up afterward with ease. Sex in the shower is a great way to make time. Plus, you’re already naked!


5. Send the kids to their grandparents


This option is one of my favorites. The kids get to spend time with their grandparents and the hubby and I get time alone. We can be loud, have sex anywhere we want, walk around the house naked, and so forth. Of course, this is only for people that choose to have children, but most couples that I know have a hard time with sex because it’s difficult to get time away from the kids. For those of us with little ones running around, this is a fantastic option!


Whether you’re a busy couple with kids, work sixty hours a week, or just have a lot on your to-do list, find what works best for you and your partner and put that into motion. Remember, sex isn’t a chore. So have fun with this!


Sienna Saint-Cyr writes erotica and blogs about kink, poly, body image, most things relating. Follow her on her website or on Twitter @siennasaintcyr.




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Baba hi ka bulla

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I usually want to have a quickie with my girlfriend in the morning, just before ill go to work. It kinda gives me energy through the day.

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