All throughout May, celebrates Masturbation Month. This low-profile annual observance kicked off in 1995 by sex toy and education shop, Good Vibrations in response to the shame and stigma attached to masturbation. This week,'s Kayla Lords looks at how masturbating together with your partner can help improve your sex life.

Masturbation - some of us can’t even say the word without blushing, whispering, or checking to make sure no one’s paying attention to us. Depending on how you feel about it, masturbation is either an extremely private thing you do only by yourself, or you do it but with some old sense of shame and dread.

It’s time to move past whatever society has taught you about masturbation and realise it’s a normal, healthy, and natural part of our sexuality. One way to do that is to masturbate with your partner. Why? Because it’s erotic, it’s fun, and it can improve your relationship.

Show Your Partner What You Like

Masturbating together is a great way to teach your partner what you like. With a few movements of your hand, a light strum of your fingers, or maybe some vigorous back and forth, you can show them exactly how you want to be touched. While talking about it can be sexy, visuals are much more compelling. Consider this a sexy, stimulating, and orgasmic tutorial.

Communicate Your Needs More Easily

Is it so difficult to say, “Touch my clit” or “Stroke my balls” after you’ve just watched your partner finger-fuck themselves? You may also find it easier to say, “Not like that” or “too fast” or “harder, please!” Better communication about your sexual desires and what you do or don’t want leads to better sex. If you can masturbate together, you can talk about it together.

Add Intimacy to Your Relationship

Most of us have been taught that masturbation is something we do alone. Too many people think it’s something only single, lonely, sad people do. Throw in the cliche that only single women have sex toys and men don’t use them at all, and you can see where it all goes wrong. When you take something you thought was private and share it with someone, you’re more connected than you were before. It’s not just good for your relationship; it’s also hot as fuck.

Get Rid of the Taboo

Since we’re on the subject, masturbation isn’t just something we think we should do alone. We also have all the other fear and shame about masturbation rolling around in our heads. Hairy palms. Blindness. Hell and brimstone. Once you stop hiding your masturbation habits and share them with your partner, you can start to see that it’s a natural part of sexual pleasure and life. It even gives you something to laugh and talk about.

Have a New Way to Get Sexy Together

Are you in a sexual rut? Same position, same night, the same amount of time? You’re fucking like clockwork. It’s not awful, but it’s not exactly mind-blowing. Masturbate together, with or without toys, and you’ll be out of your yawn-inducing rut in no time. Sometimes, all you need is a good wank together, and sometimes that moment will lead to more and better sex.

Masturbating together isn’t a magical cure for everything wrong in your relationship. But it’s not bad for it either. Learn more about yourself and your partner, find a new level of intimacy, get out of your rut, and start wanking with your partner more often. Masturbation Month is the perfect time to start!




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