The beginnings of oral sex lessons

I have had many blow jobs from women and they have been of very varying quality, to be honest. Some of them are very sloppy and there is really no variety of pressure during oral sex and at the end of the encounter you are left with a very wet, rather unsatisfied, penis. Others are too hard and you feel like you are being encased in a rigid cardboard tube. There is no doubt that there is little that you can get wrong with a good blow job, but still many women do not really seem to know how to give one.

I had the germ of an idea that would not only lead to some fun encounters for myself, but would also help in my search for the perfect oral sex partner, or partners. I decided that I would place advertisements on several online forums offering myself as giving professional oral sex lessons. I would teach the basics of male anatomy, male pleasure and give oral sex lessons where I would give instructions during the process. I would not ask for payment, but if women wanted to give me something for my time as a gift then that would be up to them. I did not really expect it to work, but I have quite a way with words, and although I had to weed out the trolls I did find that one group of women were interested in finding out more and having blow job lessons for themselves.


The art of oral sex


The person who made contact with me was Linda, an art and fashion student, in East London. She, and a group of her friends, wanted to have some oral sex lessons from me and although they did not want to make a donation, they would give me wine and food. I must admit that I was quite apprehensive when I made my way to Linda’s house on a cold winter evening and felt both excitement and some intimidation when I saw how they had arranged the room.

There were five women there in total. Linda herself was pale, and a little overweight, but beautifully curvy and dressed in a flowing black dress. There was a stunning, model, type woman (Jane) in a little red dress with stockings, a black woman (Lisa) with dreadlocks dressed casually in jeans, a shorter white woman who dressed in a punky fashion with piercings (Fran) and, incongruously, an Indian woman in a sari (Minal). It was a really cosmopolitan, typically East London art school group. The room was set up in a starkly lit way with a spotlight directed on the sofa.


The women had drinks, but I really did not fancy alcohol, and so I made myself comfortable on the sofa starting the oral sex lessons. Unzipping my pants as the women watched I pulled out my cock and pointed out to them the different regions and how each one gave me different kinds of pleasure. I pointed out my frenulum and glans, explaining how each gave me pleasure, the edge of the glans acting for me with the intensity that I would imagine the clitoris would have. Then I ran my finger along the shaft to explain how different sensations there would give me different forms of pleasure.


Getting started with oral sex lessons


It became clear that Fran and Jane were very keen to get started and to practice some oral sex techniques. Jane came very close to look, with the others standing back a bit, as Fran went down on her knees in front of me. Her mouth was red hot and wet and she gave eager sloppy tugs on the end of my penis as she looked me in the eye. I gave her instructions on how to alternate the use of her lips and tongue and to make some use of teasing whilst giving me the blow job. She flicked her tongue up and down my shaft experimentally and pulled my jeans right down so that her fingers could play with my balls. Jane looked on intently, really close to my cock, as the other girls sat back. Linda asked if she could take photographs. Although I am somewhat of an exhibitionist, I decided that this was going too far even for me. I declined the offer.


Next, Jane wanted to try. She sat down next to me on the sofa. By now I was completely naked and I loved the sensation of her warm body next to me, and her legs encased in sheer stockings draped over my knee. Jane said that she would probably start with foreplay (probably having read a sex manual at sometime in her life) but I said that we were going to forego this as this was not the point of the oral sex lessons. Jane obviously thought that she had a good oral sex technique, and tried to deep throat my dick. The reality is that, for most men, although this is something that appears to give a lot of pleasure due to the sounds and appearance, in practice it does not really stimulate the penis. I explained to Jane that she would have to use all of her mouth, lips and tongue if she wanted to bring a man to an explosive orgasm. Simply banging my dick towards the end of her mouth would not really do it.

Whilst Jane practised, Minal and Lisa had a competition as to who could squeeze my nipples the tightest. I am not sure if they knew, but this is something that brings me very close to coming even when my penis is being lightly touched. I found it hard not to shoot a hot jet of cum into Jane’s mouth during our oral sex lessons as the two women played with me intensely. I gave Jane instructions on how to feel that a man was going to cum by the way that he jerked his hips and the twitching of his penis. With me, my breathing changes in the run up to orgasm and Jane was very aware of this and became more teasing of my penis, giving it little licks as she stroked the very tip of it with her tongue.


Watching me


I looked into Minal’s eyes, and saw that she was hungry, not to join in with the oral sex lesson, but to see me cum in such a way, whilst I was somewhat out of control, and in the hands of a number of women. I looked into Minal’s deep brown eyes and explained how intense eye contact can be during oral sex. She gave herself a quick stroke on top of her jeans and I could see that she was very turned on herself. Despite the real intensity of the experience, I thought that I could hold off coming. Jane decided that it was time to stop and give someone else a go, but I was surprised that all of the women then sat down in front of me, leaving me exposed, naked and with a ferocious hard on.


I asked if they wanted to see me cum. To be fully honest, I knew that if I did not cum in the next few minutes I felt as if I was going to explode. Linda was very enthusiastic when given this idea and ordered me to masturbate whilst the women watched. Minal was very curious, and I don’t think that she has seen a man masturbate for her before. She asked lots of questions about how often I masturbated and how often I did it. This interrogation made me extremely hot and a warm jet of my cum spurted out onto the floor at the women’s feet as I had an explosive orgasm.


Lisa brought me a towel and the women decided that this was something that they would like to do again. Since that time I have had few responses to my original advert, but have kept in contact with Linda and her friends who occasionally do invite me around for other lessons not only oral sex lessons. I must admit that I have diversified my portfolio of lessons since then and that the women are learning very well!

photo by Matt Chan via Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license.




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Only Femel Oralsex

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Hello! Please,can i get fuck job? I am looking for the similar job some times ago.Therefore,i will be the gladdest if i you could help me.Thank you.I"ll be waiting for the anser sir.

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