It's time for another of our successful first-time stories! Our resident expert on all things kink and poly, Abi Brown shares her first sexual experience with a woman. Find out how it opened her mind to being confident about her bisexuality.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea to introduce her to Alice?”, my friend asks his girlfriend, laughing. “The world might explode.”
The girlfriend grins back. “It’s a real concern”, she concedes. “Not to mention the gin shortage that would undoubtedly follow.”
I raise a sceptical eyebrow from the other side of my tea mug. “What the fuck are you talking about?”, I ask.
“One of my new housemates”, she explains. “She’s basically you. I think you might be the same person.”


It started like many other stories of this kind start: in a pub

A few weeks later, I walk into a pub in a nearby bit of South London. My friend isn’t here yet, which means I’m going to need to approach a table full of perfect strangers and hope they remember that I was supposed to be dropping by for a drink. I’m concerned that I’ll have trouble figuring out who they are, but once inside I realise there was no need to worry.

She’s holding court at a table right in the centre of the room, the loudest person in earshot by far with a filthy cackle to rival the Wicked Witch. She’s dressed all in black, with bright red lipstick and an excess of silver jewellery. She’s got a gin and tonic in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other. “You must be Alice”, I say, and I watch her face as she has just the same reaction as I.


As the night wears on, the joke becomes gradually ever more surreal

  • We’re both left-handed.
  • We’re both probably dyspraxic.
  • We both dropped out of formal education far earlier than almost anyone else we know.
  • We’re both hoping to finish English Literature degrees with the OU one day.
  • We’re both trying to make it as professional writers.
  • We’re both vegetarians.
  • We like the same music, the same films, the same books.
  • We’re both from backgrounds a little more working-class than those of most of our peers.

At the end of the night, I head back to their house with them for another drink. Alice and I trail up the hill together, more slowly than the rest of the group: after all, we’re the only two people in heels. I can’t take my eyes off her.

She’s half a decade older than I am, and when you’re seventeen that may as well be a century.

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The night had been fucking fantastic, it was about to get more amazing

In their living room, I drink more gin and share a joint and one by one everyone else slopes off to bed. When Alice asks me if I’d like to stay the night with her, my head spins with surprise and delight. Somehow I’ve managed to persuade this woman who is everything I am trying to become, to induct me into a world I had hoped and prayed to enter.

It took me a few years to own up to the fact that I was bisexual, but in truth, I’d known since I was an adolescent. I’d never actually had sex with a woman. Alice was my seventh sexual partner, but the only other time I’d even kissed a girl had been while messing drunkenly around at a party. As I followed her upstairs, I resolved myself of one thing: don’t make it obvious you’re a rookie.


Fucking like a pro

Unlike the subjects of my earlier columns, Alice is almost certainly reading this, and so I shall spare you the details and her the indignity. Suffice it to say that I did not exactly cover myself in glory. I fell upon her with all the enthusiasm of a Labrador puppy, and the thought uppermost in my mind throughout was “OH MY GOD, REAL BREASTS THAT I CAN TOUCH!”. 

Naturally, at the time I thought I had acquitted myself like a pro.

Afterwards, lying back against her pillows in blissful repose, I looked over at her next to me and smiled. “Wanna know a secret?”, I said, trying to sound playful and coy.

“Alright”, she said.

“That was my first time with a woman”, I said, triumphantly.

The look on her face, I decided, was clearly one of flattered surprise. I realise now that it was probably more along the lines of ‘resigned confirmation’. “Oh god”, she said. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather it had been more...special?”

“This is special”, I insisted. “And now I finally count as a real, proper bisexual, too!”

Her eyes widened and she propped herself up on one arm. “Never let anyone tell you that”, she said, her voice resolute. “You were always a ‘real, proper bisexual’. Nobody needs to fuck a woman to claim that.”

I’m so sorry, Alice. You were so good with me that night, and I was so unfeasibly seventeen at you.


Do you have a first-time story to share? Perhaps your first time with a woman? Drop a comment below or start a thread in the forum!




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