You might have heard of the G-spot, and if you're lucky, you've found it and experienced squirting orgasms. But have you ever heard of the A-spot? Adult Sex Ed Month continues on with resident writer Kayla Lords explaining what they are, where to find them, and what the difference is between these erogenous zones.


Most people who want their vulva-owning partners to experience sexual pleasure at least know of the G-spot - an elusive patch of skin inside the vagina. But have you heard of the A-spot? I’ll admit that until recently, this one wasn’t on my radar at all.

What’s the difference between the two? Not as much as you might think. Both are considered by some scientists to be complete and total myths (clearly they’ve never had a G-spot orgasm). Both aren’t an automatic button of pleasure for all vagina-owners. Some people don’t get off on either stimulation and others never even find the supposed sweet spot.

If you’re curious to know how these magic spots work, we’ve got you covered. 

What is the G-Spot?

The G-spot is named after the German gynaecologist, Ernst Grafenberg, who first gave the piece of ridged flesh on the anterior (front) wall of the vagina it’s now-famous name. The spot has always been there (for some people), but it didn’t get a name or any scientific attention until the middle of the 20th century. 

Now, as scientists (slowly) begin to study the vulva and vagina in greater detail, it’s thought that the spot we consider the G-spot is actually the juxtaposition of three distinct parts of the body - the clitoris (which is bigger than most of us realise), the urethra, and the vagina. Where these parts meet may be the actual G-spot, and because it’s connected to so many nerve-endings, the pleasure intensifies for people whose “spot” is their hot button.

Not everyone will experience an orgasm from G-spot stimulation, but those who do report longer, bigger, and deeper orgasms than by clitoral stimulation alone. G-spot orgasms are most often linked to squirting orgasms, too. To look for the G-spot, insert one or two fingers into the vagina, and feel for a ridged patch of skin on the front wall. Make a tapping or “come here” motion with your fingers. If it feels intensely, insanely good, you’ve found it!

Woman touching herself in black underwear.

What is the A-Spot

The A-spot is the anterior fornix erogenous zone and exists between the cervix and the bladder. It was “discovered” by a Malaysian doctor named Dr Chua Chee Ann who found that stimulating this particular spot could trigger arousal and lubrication in the vagina. Believe it or not, the good doctor was working on a fix for vaginal dryness. (Someone, buy that doctor a beer!) But, like the G-spot, some people don’t believe it’s a real spot.

While I haven’t personally experienced an A-spot orgasm that I’m aware of, the only way to know if it’s real for you is to go exploring. If you know where your G-spot is, locate it, then move your fingers back towards your cervix an inch or two. While you may not feel a difference in skin texture like you can with your G-spot, you may feel instant arousal when stimulating this area.

Like the G-spot, touch alone isn’t enough to stimulate this area. You’ll need to manipulate it with pounding, stroking, tapping, or vibrations. The A-spot is said to cause a big increase in vaginal lubrication as well as longer-lasting and much more intense orgasms than even the G-spot can do. Cervix stimulation can be painful for some people. If you start tapping, and it hurts, you may have gone too deep.

It’s crucial to realise that the G-spot and A-spot aren’t erogenous zones for everyone. We are all wired differently, and it’s possible that the spot doesn’t do it for you or the sensation is unpleasant instead of orgasmic. There’s not a damn thing wrong with you or your partner if you’re not experiencing massive orgasms from all that penetration

It’s much more important to focus on the parts of your body that do produce sexual pleasure whether it’s the clitoris, your nipples, or that sweet spot on your neck. Finding the G-spot and A-spot isn’t some contest where you get the “Best Vulva Award” or “Biggest, Wettest Orgasm” trophy afterwards. Go looking for it if you want, but don’t make either spot the sole focus of your sexual pleasure if it doesn’t work for you. There are too many other ways to fuck and orgasm.

Kayla Lords is a freelance writer, sex blogger, and a masochistic babygirl living the 24/7 D/s life. Follow her on Twitter @Kaylalords.



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