Is that threesome a bad idea?

More and more young couples, married, unmarried, coupled or just fuck buddies, are starting to experiment in the bedroom by bringing in a plus one for the evening. But is this always a good idea?

We're all for sexual experimentation, and especially bringing a guest star into the mix. Especially when that good, trusted friend of yours is eyeing you both thinking "I want to fuck." Still, when the fantasy in your head actually has the chance of coming true, you mind end up changing your mind. Here are nine reasons why that threesome might be a bad idea.


1. It could all backfire if you go about it wrong

How do you go about finding someone to join you and your other half anyway? Announcing to your partner that you always fancied their friend and would love to invite them into your bed is likely to end your relationship, not add to it. These things need to be talked about, planned, and agreed upon, so everyone involved knows how it's going to go down.


2. It won’t always play out like it does in porn

You might like to think your orgasm face is the definition of sexy, but you probably look more like someone has just bitten your left testicle rather than emptied it. Let's face it: sex is goofy, sweaty and at times kind of awkward. Expect sweat-flattened fringes and awkward elbows rather than smooth and sophisticated. And with double the audience.

9 reasons why that threesome isn´t a great idea


3. One (or more) of you might realize you have a jealous streak

Discussing beforehand how nobody will be left out or feel jealous at any point seemed like a good idea in theory. But it doesn’t always work out like that. While you’re licking out the other woman your missus is probably thinking ‘well he never does that with me…’


4. Pleasing two: It’s bloody exhausting

Pleasing someone else can be hard work even when you know what really gets them going. Now keep that in mind while also trying to make someone other than your other half scream.

5. You might not get the orgasm you are looking for

While its tiring putting in all the handy work, how can you know they’ll be making you gush everywhere too? You don’t want to find yourself wanking in the bathroom afterwards while they both lay there in your sweat and god knows what else. This is basic threesome etiquette. If you're a couple inviting a fuck buddy for the night, you've gotta keep his/her needs in mind, too!


6. Your +1 might be into a few

Having the threesome in the first place is probably as adventurous as you’re going to get right now, so how do you react when your new fuck buddy decides to stick their finger up your ass when you least expect it? Now I bet you didn’t see that coming did you. Again, planning is key.


7. Arranging a threesome can be like a terrible job interview

So, you’re a team player? Enthusiastic and reliable?’ FAB. Now take off your bra and climb on top.


8. If you don’t have enough room you could end up with a black eye

So it may have seemed like a bright idea for your threesome to resemble a sweaty game of Twister, but when your small double bed can’t take it anymore you could end up knocking yourself out on the bedside table. It’s not quite a threesome when you’re sitting on the sidelines, now is it.


9. If it doesn't go well, bumping into your +1 again will just be awkward

When you’re hungover and feeling like death they’ll be the last person you want to see. Or how about when you’re having coffee with your Mum and that dreaded question arises: ‘He seems nice, how do you know him?

© diego cervo / Dollar Photo Club and
© detailblick / Dollar Photo Club




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