Don't be Shy. Agree to that first online date but learn how to handle it safely.

It can be a nerve-wracking experience when you meet someone for the first time, even more so when it's a date you've picked up online. OK, you've chatted on instant messenger for weeks, days, possibly only hours, but you seem to 'click'.  So, you both agree to a first date. The major piece of advice to offer when you're planning and preparing for your date is not to have your expectations too high and to make contingency plans. Online dating is very much a numbers game, the more people you meet the more likely you are to find that special somebody, or at the very least that somebody you can relate to and feel comfortable with. So it's good to get out there, just keep these pointers in mind when arranging your first date as an essential safety aid:

  • Arrange your first meet up in a public place, where there are likely to be a number of people present.
  • Leave your computer logged into the person's date site profile and make friends or family members aware that you are meeting this person for the first time.
  • Arrange to call a friend or family member at a set time and make sure you do this, no matter how well your date is going.
  • If your date suggests going home for coffee at the end of the evening, think carefully about whether this is the right move at such an early stage in your friendship.

First impressions count

When you do meet up for the first time, if your date looks absolutely nothing like the handsome Brad Pitt/Beyonce double they've adorned their date site profile with, then you may want to think twice about continuing. Yeah, they can give all the excuses in the world, and some people do go on to successful relationships with online dates who created fake profiles using photos of models or other phenomenally attractive people. But why would anybody actually want to do something like that? The same thing goes for the guy or gal that's posted a photo at least ten years out of date. Be wary of any online contact who doesn't provide genuine details on dating sites, you can bet they've got something to hide! And yes, of course it could just be they're real timid and shy and you may work this out when you meet.

If you're not happy with your date as the meeting progresses, then you need to have a contingency plan sorted in your mind before you actually meet. If you set a time limit of an hour or so for a first date and make sure your date is aware of this situation when you meet then it won't cause any harm. If you click then great! There's always the second date to look forward to - later the same day, the next day, whenever.


Well it's one main reason to want to hook up with new people and online dating is the easiest and most popular way of doing this nowadays. If your chats and messages with your new date(s) are full of innuendo, hot flirting and sex talk it's likely your date is going to expect the full works on the first date. If you take the advice above on ensuring your first date is short and sweet then you'll give yourself time to work out whether this is really where you want to be with this person.


And finally...

With these things in mind, online dating is popular and a great way to meet new people: Get out there and MINGLE... but remember these things apply to that cute guy/ girl you meet in a bar too. Take things slow to stay safe.




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