
Dick Pics | Do They Ever Work?

Most of us on online dating sites have gotten them—the dreaded dick pics—including some of my heterosexual male friends. Which always seemed odd to


Sex Tips | Is It Normal Fear Sex Out Of My Comfort Zone?

Sex columnist, photographer and sex blogger Molly Moore responds to a reader who's afraid to go outside their sexual comfort zone. How do you go


Is It OK to Find Love So Soon After a Breakup?

Sex columnist, photographer and sex blogger Molly Moore shares her best advice on moving on after a breakup. When is it okay to start dating and

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Why we cheat: The case for non-monogamy

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He cheated on me. The word has this resonance of betrayal, of lies and of heartbreak. We imagine furtive texts, secretive rendezvous, hot sex and mixed emotions. And the culture reinforces

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Bisexual and poly: a winning combination?

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Subverting categories

Bisexuality is, surprisingly, still a problematic category for some in an era when we like to classify people. Calling people

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Non-monogamy: How to come clean about it

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Everywhere we look in society we see monogamy as being promoted as the best way to live. Celebrity couples, expensive marriages, the church and television all seem to preach a message that is

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Polyamory: My personal definition

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The very personal definition and everyday experience of Polyamory from our guest author, Vivian

I'm a woman who has been in a polyamorous relationship

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The differences between polyamorous and open relationships

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Open relationship or Poly?

The media, and people in general, tend to get polyamorous and open relationships confused in their minds. They tend to

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What’s the story with polyamorous relationships?

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Gender, sexuality, polyamory and relationship fluidity

We live in times when it is apparent that there is gender fluidity in society. People can identify

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Online dating precautions: How to stay safe on your first date

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Don't be Shy. Agree to that first online date but learn how to handle it safely.

It can be a nerve-wracking experience when you meet someone for the

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Communication is the key ...

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Yep, communication is key, it's the answer to learning, growing, dating, relationships, everything! It's that simple, but that's what makes it so hard. We're victims of our fear of speaking

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