Love Balls

Discussions and topics about Love Balls

  • Sex Toys

    I love all of the variations on the market but as exciting as they are, I still find the old standbys exciting. I like a nice cool cucumber and a couple carrots refreshing as are some varieties of sq ...
  • College Humor puts a handful of toys to the test. Are they sex toys, or dog toys? Ok, so for anybody that's been to an adult store in the last century, most of these will be pretty ...
  • One of my friends recently told me she doesn't use sex toys because she's in a relationship, and her boyfriend 'is enough' for her. In her opinion using a dildo or a vibrator would be like replacing h ...
  • Articles about Love Balls

  • Masturbation, a natural and common human activity, has been a part of human sexuality throughout history. As societal attitudes towards sexual wellness continue to evolve, so does the variety of tools ...
  • Being poor and horny can be a drag if you're looking to spice things up with a sex toy. Your hand (or partner) is great, but sometimes you want to feel something different. Maybe you want to try out a ...
  • Looking for some sex tips or relationship advice? Well, you're in good hands. Sex columnist, photographer and sex blogger Molly Moore responds to a question regarding whether or not it's okay to use s ...
  • Similar terms for Love Balls

    Similar terms: Anal Beads, Sex Toy, Love Beads, Ben Wa Balls, Sex Toys