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For a lot of people the entire derrière is an erogenous zone. As you play around and discover your ass (or your parnter's) you’ll find a hole. Through this hole, sensual stimulation can be found for both men and women. Your anus is loaded with nerve endings, making it one of the more sensitive erogenous zones on your body. Stimulation from fingers, tongues, dicks or sex toys can bring hours of sexy play and intense orgasms to the receiver. Stretching your asshole can be painful if done incorrectly. So here are some tips for a happier widening: patience, good lubricant and lots of love from your partner (or partners) will make it a lot easier to penetrate this tight little orifice. Some people are not interested in experimenting with this 'exit only' opening. True, it is an excretory organ and perhaps has a dirty reputation. But with patience and some sexy foreplay, this little hole can take on a new light.
Porn has been around probably as long as humankind. Before there was streaming video, there were erotic cave paintings, and all the clever media in between. Over time, who is pictured and what they are doing has evolved, and varied between cultures, but the gist has been the same. Porn displays sex acts in order to arouse the viewer. Because of the bias of the industry toward male viewers, most of what is shown is usually the female body and the male genitals. The focus is usually on the sexual acts themselves, and less so on the surrounding scenario or the relationship between the individuals. Pornos can depict any kind of sex, from gentle vanilla sex to really aggressive or fetishized sex. If what you see is really explicit, it’s usually referred to as “hardcore,” whereas “softcore” is something closer to what you might see at the movie theater. Want more sexy inspiration? Also have a look at these: Erotic Photography, Erotic Fiction, Erotic Art